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A Moment in Time

Bernard Gabriel Belarski
Bernard Gabriel Belarski
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A Moment in Time

Bernard Gabriel Belarski and Rose
Bernard Gabriel Belarski and Rose

By Bernard Gabriel Belarski, Sydney, Australia

Looking back over the many years of reading and studying my beloved Urantia Book, it seems to me that the revelation has certain components that are more relevant during different stages of mind development. During different times in my life, certain teachings have captured my attention.

I remember the tremendous joy welling up in my soul, when I completed my first reading of The Urantia Book back in the summer of ’77. When I closed the book, I realized that after many years of searching for truth, I had finished what I deemed to be the greatest book ever published! How could it be that so many questions were answered by one book? A short time later I realized that a lifetime would be required to bring reality to what I had just discovered.

I remember how impressed I was with Rodan's philosophy and how very deep are the Master's words of insight and wisdom. How long would it take for these teachings to become part of me? I spent over ten years interpreting the ordination sermon, and after all my attempts at understanding these words, I found some meaningful understanding almost twenty years later.

Having a personal faith in life everlasting has been the main ingredient of my mind-set throughout this mortal life. Believing that this adventure will continue on throughout a universe career has taken me to a place of understanding that allows for successes as well as failures.

Making these teachings a personal understanding took many adjustments in comprehension and change in attitude. Most important, it means being able to speak of these in my own words. And so I wish to share three insights after my years of study.

The first is about the First Jubilee. Rather than telling you the insight I gleaned from this, I recommend that you study Paper 27, which will lead to an understanding and an appreciation of it and how important it is to have this experience while living our mortal life.

The second is in Paper 140, "The Ordination of the Twelve." It has been my blueprint for happiness. I have found within these words more life and more value than in all the others. And how amazing is it to know that our Paradise Creator Son was giving advice to you, to me, and to all intelligent life. Capturing even a partial understanding of this message will improve the quality of life for any truth seeker.

The third is, for me, the expansion of maturity and the equivalent of soul growth. I think that we might be reading the most profound sharing of truth in Paper 118, section 1, "Time and Eternity." In the summer of ’77 the statement, "and this represents our best concept of eternity and the eternal" made me tremble at the power contained within this section, and even today, as I review these passages, I experience a great sense of humility and gratitude.