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Sissejuhatus Urantia raamatusse

Gary Tonge Banner

Uus vaimne nägemus


Kas olete kunagi endalt küsinud: "Mis on elu mõte?" Imestanud kriisiolukordades: "Kas minu kannatustel on eesmärk?" Või tunnete end segaduses, kui religioossed ideed on otseselt vastuolus teaduslike faktidega?

On olemas raamat, mis pakub neile iidsetele küsimustele värske vaatenurga. Samuti pakub see kindlust tuleviku osas ja teed isikliku meelerahu juurde. Seda nimetatakse Urantia raamatuks ning see on vaimse tõe ja intellektuaalsete arusaamade varakamber. Selle lehtedelt leiate kõikehaarava pildi elust, mida ühendavad teadus, religioon ja filosoofia. Alustades ajaloost, tuues esile fakte ja valgustades vaimse tarkusega, annavad selle õpetused teie eluteel uue eesmärgi.

Urantia raamat pakub kasulikke vastuseid elu kõige segasematele küsimustele:

  • Miks kurjus ja kannatused eksisteerivad?
  • Kuidas saavutada maailmas püsiv rahu?
  • Kas teistel planeetidel esineb arukat elu?
  • Mis on Jumala eesmärk minu elus?
  • Kuidas võiksin saada õnnelikumaks ja rahulolevamaks inimeseks?
  • Kes on Jeesus? Mida ta tegelikult õpetas?
  • Kus ta nüüd on? Kas ta tuleb taas tagasi?
  • Kas on elu pärast surma?
  • Milline on taevas tegelikult?
Pillars of creation
Me pole üksi

„Teie planeet on osake hiigelsuurest kosmosest ning te kuulute peaaegu lõpmatusse maailmadeperre, kuid sellest hoolimata hallatakse teie sfääri niisuguse täpsusega ning arendatakse teda niisuguse hoole ja armastusega, nagu oleks ta ainuke asustatud maailm, mis üldse olemas on.“ 15:14.9

Jumal on isikuline olend

„Jumal on transtsendentne tõelisus…. Ta on päästja ja armastav Isa kõikide jaoks, kes naudivad vaimset rahu maa peal ning ihkavad surmas kogeda isiksuse ellujäämist.“ 1:2.2

Surmajärgne elu on tõelisusl

„Surm kujutab endast vaid seiklusterohke lõputu elujärgu algust, ootustest tulvil igavese elu, igikestva avastusretke algust.“ 14:5.10

Usk on ainus nõue igaveseks eluks

Jeesus ütles, „Minu Isa vastab alati usu nõrgimalegi vilkumisele.“ 155:6.17

Jumala fragment elab meis kõigis

„Igas inimmeeles elab jumalik vaim, taevase Isa kingitus. See hea vaim püüab meid alati Jumala juurde juhtida, aidata meil Jumalat leida ja tunda.“ 133:3.7

Jeesus ilmutab Jumalat

„Jeesus on inimkujul ilmunud vaimne lääts, mis teeb nähtamatu Tema ainelisele loodud-olendile nähtavaks.“ 169:4.13

Jeesus ilmutab Jumalat

Jeesus ütles, „Pühenda oma elu tõendamisele, et maailmas pole midagi armastusest suuremat. Just Jumala armastus ajendab inimesi pääsemist otsima. Armastus on kogu vaimse headuse eelkäija, kõige tõelise ja kauni põhiolemus.”192:2.1

Mis on Urantia raamatus?

Lisateave Urantia raamatu ja Urantia Sihtasutuse kohta.
Part I: The Central and Superuniverses

“The myriad of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the divine affection, and love him in return. The universe of universes is the work of God and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures.” 1:0.2 

Part I is cosmic and mind-expanding. Its unique teachings will resonate deep within your inner being like the oldest truths on earth, reassuring you that you are not alone. The cosmos teems with countless inhabited planets, heavenly worlds, and spirit personalities. God shines forth as a loving and caring personality who relates to every human being as a trustworthy heavenly parent. You live in a friendly, highly organized, and well-administered universe. Your life on earth initiates you into an eternal adventure. You are not here by accident! 

By the end of Part I you will learn: 

  • Who God is and where God resides 
  • How God can transform your life 
  • The nature and role of the Trinity 
  • Where the universe originates, how it is evolving, and how you fit into it 
  • How the central and superuniverses are organized and administered 
  • Fascinating details about divine and celestial personalities
Part II: The Local Universe

Just as our world is comprised of nations, a superuniverse is made up of many local universes. Part II describes in fascinating detail our local universe and its building blocks of constellations, systems, and many inhabited planets. It even maps out our location in the cosmos and where we go after we die. You will gain an appreciation for the administrative hierarchy and how Jesus fits into it. A better understanding of these personalities, their roles, and the historical events in our region of space will shed light on the current state of our world today.

In Part II you will discover:

  • Who Jesus was before he lived on Earth and where he is now
  • How love, mercy, and justice function throughout the universe
  • How the local universe is astronomically and administratively organized
  • The nature and role of celestial personalities, including your guardian angels
  • Where you go after you die and what happens next
  • How you will be reunited with family and friends
  • What human life is like on advanced worlds
  • Why there is so much confusion, hardship, and suffering on Earth

The human species is only one order of God's creation. The universe abounds with angels and many other spirit personalities. There exists a vast spiritual hierarchy living in and administering to the universe. The number and diversity of these intelligent spirit personalities stretch beyond our imagination.

Part III: The History of Urantia

Part III depicts the history of life on Earth since its origin more than four and one-half billion years ago. It traces the lineage of humanity from the first two human beings nearly 993,500 years ago, through the triumphs and tragedies of Adam and Eve, and continues with stories of Abraham, Moses, and other heroes of planetary history.

Beyond plotting our physical evolution, this section also describes the development of civilization, industry, government, religion, and family life. The records of human tribulation and progress indicate that we are indeed moving toward a better world.

Part III presents:

  • A scientific explanation of the origin of our solar system and our world
  • The stages of a divinely guided evolutionary process
  • How and why human life evolved on Earth
  • The rise and fall of ancient civilizations
  • The bleak years of the Lucifer rebellion
  • The evolution of government and the path to world peace
  • How an indwelling Spirit of God works to ensure your eternal survival
  • How to pray and worship more effectively

"The second Eden was the cradle of civilization for almost thirty thousand years. Here in Mesopotamia the Adamic peoples held forth, sending out their progeny to the ends of the earth from this region went those men and women who initiated the doings of historic times, and who have so enormously accelerated cultural progress on Urantia." 78:0.1



Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus

Part IV is an inspiring biography of the life of Jesus. His birth, childhood, and young adulthood are described year by year, including his family life, travels, and occupations before beginning his career of ministry. This presentation of Jesus stands unique, packed with new information and fresh insights. You will gain a great admiration and understanding of his life and teachings.

Jesus was a strong and courageous man. His sincerity, warmth, good cheer, love of people, and devotion to truth are an inspiration for all ages.

"Jesus was the perfectly unified human personality. And today, as in Galilee, he continues to unify mortal experience and to co-ordinate human endeavors. He unifies life, ennobles character, and simplifies experience. He enters the human mind to elevate, transform, and transfigure it. It is literally true: 'If any man has Christ Jesus within him, he is a new creature; old things are passing away; behold all things are becoming new.'" 100:7.18

Highlights of Part IV include:

  • The missing years of Jesus' life
  • The premature death of Jesus' father
  • Jesus helping to raise his seven brothers and sisters
  • Rebecca's proposal of marriage
  • Jesus' work as a carpenter, boat builder, scribe, teacher, and caravan conductor
  • His journeys to Egypt, Rome, and the Caspian Sea
  • His life with the apostles
  • Events leading up to the crucifixion
  • Jesus' resurrection and appearances
  • The power of the Spirit of Truth

Mis mulle Urantia raamatu juures meeldib

„Jumala meeles on plaan, mis hõlmab kõiki tema tohutute valduste loodud-olendeid, ja see plaan on piiritute võimaluste, piiramatu progressi ning lõputu elu igavene eesmärk…. Ees on igavikuline siht!... Iga inimese pingutusi kroonib kindel võit, kui ta jookseb usu ja usalduse jooksu.“ 32:5.7-8