Urantia Association International Summer Conference―an Event Not to Be Missed
Urantia Association International Summer Conference―an Event Not to Be Missed
By Gaétan Charland, Québec, Canada
Something important is happening this summer in Quebec, Canada. From July 30 to August 2, a conference sponsored by Urantia Association International is taking place and needs your participation. These international conferences are events that should not be missed; they provide unparalleled opportunities of social interaction and inner growth while promoting a genuine fraternity with others from many cultures.
The conference will focus on one of the most important teachings of The Urantia Book: the education of the family and society. Many of us are looking for ways to disseminate and share advanced techniques with our children, family, and friends. This conference will feature plenaries and workshops that will explore these relevant topics. The program has been designed so that workshops are linked in synergy to the corresponding plenaries.
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this event. Many readers are coming from around the world, and our financial aid committee is working hard to collect funds and manage requests from readers who need financial assistance to attend this conference. If you feel generous, please contribute to our scholarship fund by visiting https://urantia-association.org/get-involved/donate/.
Register online at www.regonline.ca/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1643032