Dorothy Elder Passes the UBIS Leadership Torch
Dorothy Elder Passes the UBIS Leadership Torch

By Georges Michelson-Dupont, Vice President, Urantia Foundation, Recloses, France
After 12 years of dedication and unselfish service, Dorothy Elder resigned from her position as the Director of the Urantia Book Internet School (UBIS). All the Trustees, Associates, and Staff received her letter of resignation with sadness, understanding, and much respect for what she has accomplished.
The Trustees desire that UBIS grow, expand, and thrive. Thanks to Dorothys tenacity and focus, UBIS is recognized by the community of Urantia Book readers as an efficient and effective tool and a valuable service to the readership.
With the full support of Dorothy, Georges Michelson-Dupont offered to serve as the new director of UBIS. The Board unanimously accepted his offer. Said Georges, This project is in my heart and soul, and I shall devote the necessary time and energy to continue what Dorothy has established, using the same non-invasive, Jesusonian approach and method of teaching. This method is effective and meaningful in the experience of UBIS students, and also in full accordance with the policy of Urantia Foundation not to be interpretive.
Truly, the Trustees and Associate Trustees thank all of you who have been or are currently engaged in this exciting adventure of helping our brothers and sisters develop a better understanding of the teachings and doctrines of The Urantia Book, which are so essential to the welfare and happiness of individual lives. Without you, this project would never have been possible. Your anonymous work, your unselfish participation, and your commitment of time and effort made all this possible. We recognize, honor and salute you, your team spirit, and your loyalty.
In his message to the UBIS team, Georges wrote, Together we shall analyze our strengths and weaknesses, and from there, we shall build a seven-year plan. We shall create new curricula in response to students needs, develop multi-lingual website platforms in order to expand UBIS into multiple languages, raise funds to develop and maintain the UBIS website, enhance the image of UBIS, and increase the number of teachers. Every year we shall reflect together about how to improve our services by measuring our progress compared to our seven year plan.
UBIS is in truth and in fact a challenging adventure. Georges, the Board of Trustees, and Associate Trustees bid Dorothy and her team Godspeed. When man goes in partnership with God, great things may, and do, happen. (1467.5) 132:7.9.