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UBIS is Hot!

Tom Brachna
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UBIS is Hot!

Tom Brachna and Kristi Pielstick
Tom Brachna & Kristi Pielstick
(Photo by Julia Nagolnik, Ukraine)

By Tom Brachna, Ohio, USA

As a loyal, many-time participant in UBIS courses, I have been asked to write a student's perspective of The Urantia Book Internet School. UBIS can be summed up in one sentence: It is a unique learning experience, unmatched by any other format.

We are told, and I think wisely, to form small study groups for very personal learning experiences of the principles and wisdom shared in The Urantia Book. That to me reveals a stirring trust in the inherent goodness of all seekers. It embodies a godly faith in the worth of each individual to contribute to the learning of others.

As a firm believer in the book's emphasis on balanced living, I think it is a good idea to mix individual study with group study, and to mix physical/verbal group study with correspondence group study, whether internet or snail mail based.

UBIS is a good way to "meet" people from all over the world. I'm currently participating in a class of students from England, Zambia, Brazil, Spain, and a random collection of U.S. states including Alaska. It's a great way to experience a rich variety of perspectives that help enhance our understanding, not only of the material, but of our fellow man.

With this format, there are no preconceptions based on physical appearance, no inferences through body language or tone of voice. As the class proceeds, personalities are revealed through their thoughts and perceptions. In a way, it is a more spiritual meeting of minds than meeting physically.

The Teacher/Facilitators (TFs) first participate as students in several courses and then attend the artfully designed UBIS Teacher Training class. This all serves as preparation for designing and participating in their nine week courses. The TFs are "one of us" throughout the course, sharing our common love for the teachings of The Urantia Book.

There is a comfortable amount of time to respond to the questions about the assigned reading, and the format offers the convenience of being able to post as often as you have access to the internet.

With up to eighteen students in a class, it is desirable to distill one's thoughts into brief, precise kernels of truth so as not to bore or overwhelm one's fellow students with text. That very process helps define and sharpen one's understanding and grasp of the material. UBIS lives as an unmatched and rewarding sharing experience. It is "Happiness On Theinternet!"

I hope you found reading about UBIS to be enlightening. May we all find the wisdom to fully appreciate God's eternally existent blessings.