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Two New Trustees Elected - Marilynn Kulieke, Judy Van Cleave

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Two New Trustees Elected - Marilynn Kulieke, Judy Van Cleave

The Trustees of Urantia Foundation are pleased to announce that Urantia Foundation has two new Trustees: Marilynn Kulieke and Judy Van Cleave. The Board now consists of seven Trustees and five Associate Trustees.

Urantia Foundation's President Seppo Kanerva said, "We welcome both of these exquisitely merited ladies to our Board. Marilynn and Judy bring with them a wealth of experience, dedication, wisdom, and a willingness to serve the Revelation. We feel blessed that they now join us in the opportunity of bringing a new revelation to our world."

Judy Van CleaveJudy Van Cleave

Judy started reading The Urantia Book in 1973 after being introduced to it by her sister, Connie. Since then, Judy has attended and hosted study groups and local conferences and, since 1997, has attended national and international conferences. She is a charter member of the Idaho Urantia Association. During the last ten years she has served on the Governing Board of the Idaho Urantia Association and the Governing Board of the Urantia Association of the United States. She has also served on the International Service Board of Urantia Association International. Since January of 2007 she has served as an Associate Trustee of Urantia Foundation.

Judy and her husband, Wayne, live in Boise, Idaho, where they have a heating and air conditioning business, which they founded in 1976. While raising her two children, a son and a daughter, Judy volunteered regularly for years at their schools and served as a board member of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). She coached her son's soccer teams for three seasons, and both she and her husband participated in activities related to her son's Boy Scout troop and his Little League and high school baseball teams. She has three grandchildren, in whom she delights, and on whom she lavishes time and affection.

"It is truly a privilege, and also rather humbling, to accept this opportunity to serve with such skilled and devoted Urantia Book readers entrusted with Urantia Foundation and with the responsibility of ensuring the availability of The Urantia Book and its life-transforming truths around the world. I am looking forward with enthusiasm to serving with them in the years ahead." ~ Judy Van Cleave, January 25, 2008

Marilynn KuliekeMarilynn Kulieke

Marilynn Kulieke is a long-time reader of The Urantia Book. She was introduced to the book by her husband, David, whose family had been involved since the early 1930s. She is a member of First Society for Readers of The Urantia Book in Chicago and served on the General Council and Executive Committee of The Urantia Book Fellowship for eighteen years. She has been an Associate Trustee for the past year and has also served as editor of Urantia Foundation's News Online, the Foundation's electronic newsletter.

After receiving her doctorate from Northwestern University in Educational Psychology, she worked as a researcher and evaluator in a public school district for 15 years. For the past six years she has served as the Senior Vice-President of Research and Development at the National Study of School Evaluation in Schaumburg, Illinois.

Marilynn and her husband live in Lincolnshire, Illinois. She has three grown children and one granddaughter.

"I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in the exciting work of Urantia Foundation in bringing our beloved revelation to the peoples of the world. It is indeed an honor to serve with those who have already dedicated their lives to this important undertaking." ~ Marilynn Kulieke, January 25, 2008