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An Epochal Plan

Gard Jameson
Gard Jameson
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An Epochal Plan

By Gard Jameson, treasurer, Urantia Foundation, Nevada, United States

My friend Ralph Zehr said it best: “What better investment than an epochal revelation!”

Oftentimes we do wonder how we should allocate our resources at the time of our departure from this planet. The obvious emerges: family! Of course, we should take care of our loved ones. Then there come questions of higher purposes—the family of God! Not many are given the opportunity to be involved with an epochal revelation. By virtue of your reading these words, you have!

I encourage you to think of making some investment into the fifth epochal revelation. Looking back on your time on Urantia, you will be blessed to know that you made some contribution to the destiny of the Urantia Revelation! You will be blessed to know that in some manner you nudged the planet toward a time of light and life!

The best-planned gift, which can be made while alive or at the time of passing, is to unrestricted funds for the organization that you are supporting. Circumstances change, and it is best to allow the current wisdom pool of personalities to assess the wise use of such funds.

The other attribute of such a wise gift is to direct it toward an endowment fund, which will keep giving for a very long time. A general endowment fund allows for the trustees to use a small percentage for unrestricted purposes. In the case of Urantia Foundation, the Revelation Bridge Endowment Fund and the Mustard Seed Fund are two such funds that allow for long-term dissemination of the revelation globally.

During my time as a trustee of Urantia Foundation, I have been impressed at how effectively the board has used its funding in a conservatively thoughtful, mission-driven, and visionary manner. This way of guiding the organization, which is a public trust, has been instilled into every one of us. Just so you know, Urantia Foundation is clearly in my planned-giving plan! I pray that you may be given the gift of discernment as you assess your own plan.

For more information, please visit the Foundation’s Planned Giving web page.

Thank you, friend, for your consideration and commitment to the fifth epochal revelation!