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Three Ways to Help Spread the Urantia Revelation

Mo Siegel
Mo Siegel
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Three Ways to Help Spread the Urantia Revelation

By Mo Siegel, president, Urantia Foundation, Colorado, United States

Good things can come in threes. Here are three outreach projects you can do to seed the revelation into the world. Accomplishing them is a team effort of individuals and organizations devoted to spreading the Urantia teachings. The goals are simple: place books in 2,000 alternative libraries, write 3,000 compelling Urantia Book ratings/reviews online, and form and sustain 1,000 active study groups.

Goal one: Place The Urantia Book and The Untold Story of Jesus into 2,000 alternative libraries

For years readers have placed Urantia Books in public libraries. While extensive placement opportunities remain there, equally fertile alternative library placements are readily available. The best example is the informal Little Free Libraries in front of thousands of peoples’ homes. You simply put a free Urantia Book in the book stand. You might also place a little library outside your home. For more information, click here:

Thousands of hotels, cruise ships, bed and breakfast inns, youth hostels, coffee shops, restaurants, truck stops, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, and fraternity and sorority houses stock small libraries. The books you place in those libraries disappear into someone's possession. That's the point.

So next time you pass an alternative library, please leave a copy of The Urantia Book on the shelf. You place the books; the spirit helps give them away. To order The Urantia Book, click here:

For many, The Untold Story of Jesus is a gateway into the Urantia Revelation. It is an appetizer that can lead to the full meal. To order it for library placement, click here.

It's much better for Urantia Foundation if you order books for outreach from Amazon. Today, a copy of the English book in hardcover is only $15.99, with free shipping if you're a Prime member. The Untold Story of Jesus is $21.65.

Goal two: 3,000 compelling Urantia Book ratings on Amazon and Goodreads

Do you know how important ratings and reviews are on Amazon? It matters and is easy to do. Please rate and write a review of The Urantia Book on Amazon, Goodreads, and any online retailer selling the book. When we started asking you to rate the book on Amazon, there were only 210 ratings. Today, there are 1,785. Congratulations! Now, let's get to 3,000 by a year from now. If you’ve enjoyed reading The Untold Story of Jesus, please rate it too.

Personal testimonials make a massive difference to people when choosing a book. Compelling testimonies, book ratings, and reviews have the persuasive power to convince others to read the book that changed your life.

The higher the book ratings, the more credibility for new book buyers. Tell your story about how the teachings transformed your life. Your story might change someone else's.

Click to leave a review on Amazon.

Click to leave a review on Goodreads.

Goal three: Form and sustain 1,000 study groups

The first generation of Urantia Book readers believed that the most effective way of building a secure social and educational community was through the development of study groups. We know that over 500 worldwide study groups exist.

Attending study groups enhances your educational understanding of the complex parts of the book. Whether on Zoom or in person, they foster fraternization between international and local communities while providing opportunities for deep study, remembrance suppers, group prayer, and worship. For most, study groups stimulate lifelong friendships, offer support for members, strengthen faith, and safeguard people from isolation and doubt. Every functioning study group is a pocket of revelatory light in the world.

Schedule a study group in your weekly routine. Your involvement is vital for those currently hosting or attending one. If you don't attend study groups, please consider the value they offer you and your fellow believers. If there is no study group in your area, start one or attend a virtual one. To find study groups and study group information, visit:

Study Group Directory

Urantia Association study group resource guide

The Fellowship guide to study groups

Please work with your fellow believers in accomplishing these three crucial tasks. We can do this!

Just as certainly as men share their religious beliefs, they create a religious group of some sort which eventually creates common goals. Someday religionists will get together and actually effect co-operation on the basis of unity of ideals and purposes rather than attempting to do so on the basis of psychological opinions and theological beliefs. Goals rather than creeds should unify religionists. 99:5.7 (1091.6)