Science: The Interface of Evolution and Revelation
Science: The Interface of Evolution and Revelation
By Joanne Strobel, Urantia Foundation, Georgia, United States
In November 2019, at the conclusion of Science Symposium II, co-organizer Ralph Zehr passed the baton to biochemist and symposium contributor Marjorie Ray. Margie approached her challenge with vigor, and in May of 2021 the planning for Science Symposium III commenced.
Like its predecessors, this symposium would delve into the dual perspectives of current science and The Urantia Book, exploring ways in which evolution continues to approach and validate revelation.
An announcement went out that June, actively seeking presenters from the fields of anthropology, archaeology, biology, chemistry, cosmology, paleontology, philosophy, physics, planetology, and psychology.
As proposals rolled in, Margie convened a team of science-minded readers to serve as a selection committee. Meanwhile, the Omicron variant and travel restrictions caused concerns about meeting in person. A decision was made to replace our usual venue of Urantia Foundation headquarters in Chicago with an online event.
Nine presenters were invited to join Margie, with seven months to complete their research.
You can view each session on YouTube by clicking the links below each photo.
As Gard Jameson, trustee and Education Committee chair, observed, “In this day and age in which science has been questioned at the very highest levels of policy making and governance, these gatherings are more important than ever.”
On June 17 and 18, the virtual Science Symposium III was enjoyed by presenters, discussants, and more than 250 audience members alike.
Philippe Hatt enthused, “It was amazing to participate in your symposium and to meet other religionists dealing with science issues. The Urantia Book includes scientific revelations such as, inter alia, the existence of the ultimatons—the first manifestation of mass energy particles. So, it is up to us to discover the ultimaton. In this respect, the recent discovery of the Higgs boson giving their mass to the particles and especially to neutron, proton, and electron, is of utmost importance.”
He added, “Just as the human body is made of biological cells, molecules, and finally neutrons, protons, and electrons, one can assume that the human brain, made of electronic matter, has a counterpart made of ultimatons nested in nether Paradise. These give mankind the possibility of accessing the superior world of morontia, the next step after matter. As Jenny Martin brilliantly discussed it, some scientific authors have already demonstrated that possibility.”
Jenny Martin shared, “I have always loved and believed in the teachings of The Urantia Book. This appreciation has only grown through exploring the science behind concepts such as Thought Adjuster fusion.”
Conrad Lavallée of Québec observed, “Apart from the fact that it was an absolute thrill to participate, I must emphasize the importance of these events. They open new vistas, enlarge our understanding of The Urantia Book, trigger unique and fascinating questions, and unveil new paths of exploration and journeys of priceless discoveries. I will continue my research, connecting dots with the multifaceted implications presented by the other panelists.”
Paper 42, “Energy—Mind and Matter" was meaningful to David Neufer, who commented, “In Section 12, ‘Pattern and Form—Mind Dominance,’ we learn that creative mind reaches toward the ‘discovery of hidden mysteries.’ Mystery Monitors live our lives with us. The revelation holds a treasury of mysteries with clues to attract our creative minds. There is divine value in reflecting on how the universe operates and on the one who operates it.”
Byron Belitsos summed up his experience by saying, "All the papers were edifying, but I think what was most important was the deep and timely discussion of race led by Gard. This sort of honest inquiry and thorough scholarship is essential as we prepare for increasing exposure worldwide.
Also essential in my view is that papers draw from existing scholarship. It seems almost urgent that we do the hard work of comparing the teachings of The Urantia Book with the work of scholars outside our community. I tried to do that in my paper, which compared today's advances in evolutionary biology to the revelation’s unique teaching on the evolution of life.”
Most presentations were accompanied by a scientific research paper, all of which will be posted on the Foundation’s website. In the meantime, you may peruse the cache of materials from past symposiums here: