A Quadrimillennial Appreciation of Machiventa Melchizedek

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Krystyna Wardega-Piasecka

By Krystyna Wardega-Piasecka, Sandnes, Norway  

Have you ever wondered, dear readers of The Urantia Book, why Machiventa Melchizedek is called “one of the most unique of all characters ever to become connected with the history of Urantia"? 93:10.11 (1026.1) If not, that moment may have just arrived. For this year, we mark the fourth millennium since his incarnation in the flesh on our planet.

Melchizedeks are the highest class of local universe sons created by Michael, the Creative Mother Spirit, and the Father Melchizedek. The Melchizedeks are the highest sons who can approach living beings. Because of the range of practical tasks and capabilities they possess, I would call this autonomous class of impartial observers “the right hand” of the administration of the universe.

It is not the usual course of things for Melchizedeks to bestow themselves upon inhabited planets in the form of a material body. For there is an established order in which God's sons are bestowed on normally developing planets. Therefore, Machiventa’s appearance was unique. It was the seventh such emergency case in Nebadon. It resulted from the spiritual chaos on Urantia due to Caligastia's rebellion and Adam and Eve's default. His mission was to revive the lost idea of one God and to keep the light of spiritual truth from being extinguished.

Melchizedek was a teacher. He introduced himself as the priest of El Elyon, and The Urantia Book says he was known in those days as the “sage of Salem.” It was he who made the covenant with Abraham, the agreement between divinity and humanity stating that faith alone is sufficient for salvation. It was this covenant that became the foundation of the Salem faith, and it was mainly this teaching of faith in one loving God that successive generations of Salem missionaries carried into the world.

The fact that monotheism appeared in the religions of the world comes directly or indirectly from his teachings preached by the missionaries. Ganid, the youth tutored by Jesus, highlighted this in his manuscript of religious doctrines concerning the Deities. Cynicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Suduanism (Jainism), Shinto, Taoism, Confucianism—all contain teachings on the Paradise Father.

Melchizedek, through his mission, not only spiritually prepared earthly minds for the appearance and acceptance of the teachings of Jesus, but also provided an opportunity for a unique experience for his assigned Thought Adjuster—the experience of accompanying a supernatural being during his life in a material body. His Thought Adjuster made perfect use of this experience in fulfilling his duties during the bestowal of Michael.

Summarizing Melchizedek's actions, we learn that he began the work of putting things in order on our planet. He limited the wicked activities of Caligastia and certain mischievous midwayers. He also began the promulgation of a plan for the far-reaching welfare of Urantia that affects not just each individual, but the entire planet.

In mentioning this plan and the fact that during the writing of the Urantia Papers, Machiventa served as the governor general and was latterly proclaimed vicegerent Planetary Prince. It is worth noting that celestial beings anticipate Machiventa's reappearance on earth.

Is Melchizedek's future the role of Planetary Prince at the end of the present system of justice, after the final judgment of Lucifer's rebellion? A Mighty Messenger has informed us that he will occupy the position of planetary ruler in the age of light and life. Will his arrival take place in his natural form with an earthly staff just as Caligastia did before? Or with the materialized son and daughter of Adam and Eve?

I associate the sage of Salem with the symbol of three concentric circles that he wore on his chest. This symbol of the Paradise Trinity has been forgotten in subsequent generations, and the revelations of The Urantia Book have brought it back to us. The three circles represent “the infinity, eternity, and universality of the Paradise Trinity of divine maintenance and direction.” 93:3.3 (1016.5) The teachings about the Trinity are to be found in some of the world's religions, a legacy of the Salem teachings.

It seems that in modern times this symbol helps the readers of The Urantia Book find other seekers of truth, both on real and virtual paths. For me, it is a symbol of brotherhood, a symbol of faith in the Universal Father, a symbol of the religion of personal spiritual experience.

I feel honored to write about such an amazing being at a time as special as the four thousandth anniversary of his incarnation on Earth. And even more so because this is my first English-language article related to The Urantia Book, a language that is the third of those I speak. A language in which I do not feel as comfortable as in my native language, Polish. In an uncanny twist of events, I also have the distinction of facilitating my first course at Urantia Book Internet School this September. My course will explore Melchizedek and his legacy as seen in today's religions.

I hope this article will encourage you to devote some time to reflect on Machiventa Melchizedek in his anniversary year. Perhaps this will lead you to conduct your own research, a more in-depth investigation than the one presented here.

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