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Together We Can Make a Difference

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Together We Can Make a Difference

By the trustees of Urantia Foundation

Imagine your life without The Urantia Book. Would you know how much our heavenly Father loves you? How lonely would you feel without knowing about your Thought Adjuster? How different would your outlook on life be without knowing you live in a friendly universe? What if you didn’t know about the mansion worlds and the ascension career? Would you be on the “path” if you never read the life and teachings of Jesus in Part IV?

Few people around the world have experienced the transformative power of the Urantia Revelation. Together we can advance global dissemination. But it requires money getting the book into the world. That is why five devoted donors have promised $210,000 toward a matching year-end fundraiser. They pledge that for every dollar you give, they will match it, dollar for dollar.

If the matching donation goal is met, Urantia Foundation will have the needed funds to advance its mission. This includes enhancing global book distribution, gifting books to the those who can’t afford them, creating high-quality translations and revisions, continuing the upkeep of the historic birthplace of the revelation, sponsoring educational programs such as seminars and Urantia Book Internet School, and expanding global outreach.

Please, we need your donations now. This generous offer expires on December 31, 2019. Said Jesus, “Freely you have received, freely give.”

Thank you! Click here to donate.

May peace and joy bless this holiday season for you and your loved ones.

The Trustees: Gard Jameson, Marilynn Kulieke, Georges Michelson-Dupont, Mo Siegel, and Judy Van Cleave