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2017 Year-end Match

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2017 Year-end Match

Fundraising Thermometer 2017

By the Trustees of Urantia Foundaiton

Urantia Foundation needs your help today!

Several generous donors will contribute $220,000 if we can raise the same amount by December 31. Your matching gift will make it possible to cover the remaining 2017 operating expenses and to continue in 2018 the work of seeding The Urantia Book and its teachings globally.

As a friend of Urantia Foundation, we are so grateful for your generosity in helping to further the dissemination of The Urantia Book. Your support enables the spiritually searching to discover and experience the profound light of the living truth that we have all come to embrace. Nothing is more potent than these teachings to open the eyes of the spiritually blind while helping the world’s people transition from our current secular age into a more cooperative era of spirituality.

We are told that, “In this gigantic struggle between the secular and the spiritual, the religion of Jesus will eventually triumph.” 195:4.5 (2075.3) Until then, however, there remains much work to be done.

Having experienced the benefit of these teachings, will you please continue working with us to provide others with this same truth? If so, your donations to Urantia Foundation make it possible to translate The Urantia Book into many languages, print and globally distribute them, promote study groups, foster outreach endeavors, manage, operate the Urantia Book Internet School, maintain the historic headquarters in Chicago, and conduct educational seminars.

Friends, now is the time to act and help shine the beautiful light of these teachings to all the world! Please join with us in this endeavor and make your matching gift today.

Click here to donate.

With you in service,

Gard Jameson, Richard Keeler, Marilynn Kulieke, Georges Michelson-Dupont, Henk Mylanus (emeritus), Mo Siegel, Judy Van Cleave