The Foundation’s Photo Gallery: Preserving History
The Foundation’s Photo Gallery: Preserving History
Tamara Strumfeld, Urantia Foundation, Illinois, United States
Do you have a personal or family photo collection that might contain images of historical value to the Urantia community? If so, you could perform a meaningful service by sharing them with Urantia Foundation.
The Foundation is embarking on a project to add to its historic archive’s photo gallery, especially from the years between 1900 and 1990. This will be used as a general historical archive and also as a source of photographs to include in newsletters and other publications. While there are many historic photos known to be in circulation, the Foundation’s collection is far from complete.
You can help us to make sure that prior generations are represented in the archive, and that people and subjects that may be missing or unknown to us are identified and included. This encompasses people with a connection to Urantia Foundation or to Urantia Brotherhood—leaders and readers doing the work of the Urantia Book project or just getting together at significant locations and events. If you are willing to go through your photo collection and to identify and share your photographs, you may be making a unique contribution to preserving the historical record.
Old photos will need to be scanned and digitized. If you are able to do this, please refer to the instructions below for scanning, labeling, and sending electronically. If you think this is beyond your level of expertise, we shall gratefully accept the loan of your hard copy photos and shall return them after we have scanned them.
Here is how you can assist us:
Scan and submit electronically
You may scan photos on your own scanner or take them to a professional service such as FedEx (formerly Kinko’s) or the UPS Store.
Images should be scanned at a minimum of 300ppi. Please do not crop, color balance, or "fix" these files in any way. We have our own resources to make them look better. All we need is a high-resolution scan of the original.
Images should be clearly labeled with what information you have. This can be done by renaming the digital file (example: Joe_Blogs_1957.jpg.) or supplying an accompanying text file referencing the numbered image (MG11529.jpg = Joe Blogs, 1957). If you do not have an exact date, an approximate date will be helpful (Joe Blogs, circa 1957 or Joe Blogs, late 1950s.) If you are uncertain or cannot label the photos, please send them with what information you have.
You may e-mail the photographs, but the size limit is 10MB per message.
If you use free file sharing services like DropBox at or Google Drive at, please share your uploads with Tamara at [email protected].
Share hard copy photos
Please know that we will take great care of your photos and will return them after scanning, but we suggest that you keep a copy for yourself and package them securely to avoid damage.
Send to: Urantia Foundation, Attention: Tamara Strumfeld, 533 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614.
Please label each photo on the back with your name, contact information, and information about the subject (names, date, location, etc.). If you have additional information to provide, you may include it on a separate piece of paper, but please number the photos on the back, and refer to each by number.
On behalf of the team at Urantia Foundation, we thank you and appreciate your efforts in helping us complete and preserve the photo gallery for generations to come.