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Date now sells The Urantia Book - the world's #1 internet audio book provider - now carries The Urantia Book.

Great news!, the world's #1 audio book internet provider, now sells The Urantia Book. Now you can easily and inexpensively download the audio version of The Urantia Book for your iPod, iPad, or mp3 player. There are many reasons you should buy the book on

Some great advantages to downloading from Audible versus other sources are:

  • Uses 50% less space on your device
  • Downloads directly into iTunes
  • Downloads easy and VERY fast. Use level 2 and download in less than 2 minutes
  • Inexpensive- 48 hours of listening for less than $25
  • Once downloaded on your computer, you can upload to any and all of your devices
  • Adjustable recording speed
  • Choice of hi-fi version or lo-fi version
  • Multiple voice artists used for this narration

Visit and buy The Urantia Book in three parts. Don't forget to write a review!!
This is how you write one:

  1. Open up your "library" on your Audible account. It stores the books you've downloaded.
  2. Look for The Urantia Book you bought and see where it says "Write a review."
  3. Click on "write a review" and follow the instructions.

Word of warning, first write the review and copy it into Audible because the site will time out quickly. Your book reviews matter!! Please write a review soon.

The Urantia Book on