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Trustees and Associate Trustees - Henk Mylanus, Dr. Ralph Zehr

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Trustees and Associate Trustees - Henk Mylanus, Dr. Ralph Zehr

Henk Mylanus
Henk Mylanus
Ralph Zehr
Ralph Zehr

Henk Mylanus from Brittany, France, was elected as the 7th Trustee to Urantia Foundation's Board. For the last year, Henk has served as an Associate Trustee while also serving as the European sales manager. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of Henk and Claire Mylanus, along with Jay Peregrine, The Urantia Book distribution system in Europe has taken a giant leap.

Dr. Ralph Zehr, a long-time friend of Urantia Foundation, has been elected as an Associate Trustee. Ralph currently serves on the Board of The Urantia Book Internet School and has helped the Foundation with numerous projects over the years.

At the October 2009 meeting, Claire Mylanus and Irmeli Ivalo-Sjölie retired as Associate Trustees after 3 year terms. Both women had a significant impact on Urantia Foundation, and we'll miss them at Board meetings. Thankfully we know they'll continue their work for the Urantia Revelation and for Urantia Foundation. We thank Claire and Irmeli for their years of loving service.