Reader Comments About The Urantia Book
Reader Comments About The Urantia Book
"As a child I would look up at the stars and wonder, Who am I, Why am I here? Is there other life out there? What happens when we die? I hoped that perhaps when I died, my questions would be answered. Finding The Urantia Book showed me that answers are already here." ~ Brigitte Mars, author, university professor Boulder, Colorado
"When I finally grasped the enormity of what The Urantia Book reveals, loneliness, darkness, and fear disappeared like shadows from the sunrise." ~ Jeff Cox Kenwood, California
"The Urantia Book has forever changed my life for the better. It has helped me transform fear to faith, hate to love, anger to forgiveness, and over all negativity to over all positivity. I now know that peace will prevail. What a blessing!" ~ Debralee Williams Black Mountain, NC
"After being shot 7 times during a convenience store burglary, robbed and left dying, I thought of the teachings of The Urantia Book. In that moment I felt within myself a complete 'peace of mind' and 'certainty of destiny'. And, though I did not die, these same feelings continue to this day, making me the happiest man alive." ~ Mitch Austin Taos, New Mexico
"The attempt to understand, believe, and practice the truths of the Urantia revelation has positively shifted the fulcrum and focus of my life, and the Spirit of God has literally uplifted and transformed me by this effort! " ~ Jacob Dix, student Stockholm, Sweden