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Mo Siegel
Mo Siegel
Read Full Newsletter


By Mo Siegel

As you probably know, publishers place testimonials on the back of book covers because testimonials have proven to be the most effective way to sell books. If you've ever wanted to say something that would influence someone to read The Urantia Book, here's your chance. On the next printings of North American Urantia Books, Urantia Foundation has decided to test putting testimonials on the back of the book's dust cover. That means we need your testimonials on how The Urantia Book has changed your life. Your testimonial should feel personal, real, specific, and touching. The most effective testimonial should explain what the book's teachings have done for you vs. what the book is about. Write your testimonial as if you were telling your next door neighbor how the book has changed your life. If you need inspiration when writing your testimonial, look at the back cover of most books and see how others write testimonials.

The perfect length for the most effective testimonial would be 25-35 words. Please don't write anything longer than 40 words. When you submit your testimonial, you need to list your name and the city or town you live in. If listing your occupation would positively influence others, please add it. Once you submit your written testimonial to Urantia Foundation, you have automatically given Urantia Foundation permission to use that testimonial on the back of the book cover, in book promotion literature, and in our Newsletters.

We need lots of testimonials to choose from so please send yours in immediately. Please send to: [email protected]

We deeply appreciate and need your help. Your words will inspire others to find the revelation and live its wonderful teachings.