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Matthew Project

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Matthew Project

The Matthew Project is a group of dedicated supporters of The Urantia Book and Urantia Foundation who have been meeting for seven years now, quietly and mostly behind the scenes, informing interested readers about the projects Urantia Foundation is engaged in and how they can help see them realized. Much of this work has been done at small gatherings sponsored by Matthew Project members and their friends in their own communities. At these gatherings people socialize, hear about the work of the Matthew Project, and share a meal together. No one is asked for money, except to help cover the cost of the meal. These gatherings have proved very successful in connecting people interested in Urantia Foundation's work together in a friendly and "neutral" environment. Many of those attending have never belonged to a social organization or perhaps never joined a study group, but are interested in hearing about the Project.

Recently The Matthew Project held a gathering in Dallas, Texas, hosted by Suzanne Kelley-Ward. The attendees were treated to a delicious Texas style Bar-B-Que and a great band. Ralph Zehr gave a stirring speech on the Apostle Matthew - "The Money-Getter" and how he can be an example for us in our fundraising and giving.

The next gathering is planned for Northern California in April 2006.

The Matthew Project is also developing a DVD-based "catalogue" of projects and items that potential donors might want to consider sponsoring. The DVD will also include inspiring interviews with people intimately associated with the projects being discussed. This DVD project is being coordinated by Hoite Caston, a former Trustee and experienced TV and movie producer.