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Urantia Book Internet School (UBIS)

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Urantia Book Internet School (UBIS)

In September UBIS commenced its third semester of the year, sponsoring Internet-based classes conducted in English, French, and Spanish. The courses offer study on various topics in The Urantia Book and course work is submitted by email, thus freeing participants of the limitations of time zones or geographic location. Through the use of teaching questions, students and facilitators learn from one another through their shared experience of the teachings. This semester's courses included:

A Study of The Supreme

Polly Friedman, Teacher/facilitator

An overview of the four Papers on The Supreme Being (Papers 115-118) including the definition, nature, expression and evolution with emphasis on the Supreme's relationship to the Universe, the Trinity and the individual.

Polly has long been a dedicated student of the teachings of The Urantia Book, and the Supreme Being has been a favorite area of study for her over the years. She brings to the UBIS her long experience as a career teacher and Family Counselor, and she exemplifies the philosophy that Jesus so beautifully pointed out to Ganid: “The true teacher maintains his intellectual integrity by ever remaining a learner.” (p.1433:2)

The Divine Perfection Plans

Susan Bryner, Teacher/facilitator

The foundation for this course is found on Page 85:2: “The Divine Perfection Plans,” which states: The Eternal Son is in everlasting liaison with the Father in the successful prosecution of the divine plan of progress: the universal plan for the creation, evolution, ascension, and perfection of will creatures. One could rather justifiably state that the following two thousand pages of The Urantia Book are a revelation and in-depth explanation of this stupendous plan. The purpose of the course is to study its design and to appreciate its grandeur. The Papers selected to study are 36, 110, 21, and 8.

Susan is an Educational Psychologist and teacher, and she has been a devoted reader since the early 80's. She made her first contact with other Urantia Book readers in one of our UBIS courses in 1999, and we were happy to find her! She is a wonderful teacher, and she volunteers her services on the UBIS Board.

The Lucifer Rebellion

Al Lockett, Teacher/Facilitator

This course is a study of Papers 53, 54, 66, and 67 with some supplemental reading from Papers 35 and 50. It begins with a perspective on the Lanonandek Order of beings, goes on to the roles that Lucifer and Satan played in the Rebellion, examines the themes behind the Rebellion, and will discuss how its ramifications may still affect our planet.

Many of you may remember Al's presentation at the 2000 Conference in New York. He inspired us all with his infectious enthusiasm of spirit and his obvious devotion to social service. Al was the first person to respond to the UBIS's initial call for Teacher/Facilitators back in 1999, and he has given several courses during these past three years. We are grateful for his steadfastness in service to others, and for his participation on the UBIS Board. Al is a Computer Programmer and musician.

The work behind the UBIS is ongoing, as we continually plan for the future. While we wait for our"core teacher” group to grow and learn and develop, we continue to gather experience. The UBIS Seminar this past summer was productive in many ways. The UBIS board has completed work on an extensive Teacher's Handbook that should be a great help and guide to the new Teachers/Facilitators. Soon we will be sufficiently large to begin planning a curriculum, and we are examining ways to extend the present format.

Many of you are aware that there are many different educational outreach efforts going on around the world, and the UBIS is one of them. Much good work is in progress, taking form and shape in a variety of ways. The UBIS is unique it that its service effectively reaches those who may not have the opportunity to come in contact with other readers. And perhaps the most meaningful part of this project is the learning experience it offers the Teacher/Facilitators. Seppo Kanerva put it very well (in one of his essays) when he reminded those who say they aren't ready to take on the assignment of being a teacher, that no one is perfect, therefore no one can be the perfect teacher. But he goes on to say that, “We must not forget that to share one's experiences, expertise, skills and endowments is godlike--divine. Sharing is godlike--divine.” (p.1221:2)

The UBIS project is one of sharing one's self with others and an opportunity for service. Come join us in a class and see if this is a service that you might be able to participate in. Course descriptions for the January 2003 session will be posted on our website December 15.

Please visit for details.