Nashville Trade Show
Nashville Trade Show
Ingram Book Company, Urantia Foundation's largest U.S..and international distributor, invited Urantia Foundation to display its products at their Fall Publishers Showcase in Nashville, Tennessee in August The show was to give their “in house” buyers, bookstore owners, and librarians a hands-on look at the books available through Ingram. Ingram's main offices and distribution center is located in Nashville. Members of Ingram's staff responsible for the formation of their new “niche market” catalogs (for both web and print) were also brought in to actually see the products they are listing.
The buyers from the Foreign Orders department were very eager to see The Urantia Book. They advised us that there has been a large increase in orders from Asia and India in the past year, and they appreciated this opportunity to satisfy their curiosity regarding the book. They normally do not see the contents of the books they sell because they simply pull up the ISBN bookcode number and place a warehouse order for their bookstore customers. Readers who have supported the Foundation's concentrated efforts in Asia and India over the past four years should be happy to hear this good news of the fruits of their labors.