Representatives Meeting
Representatives Meeting
Prior to the commencement of the International Urantia Association Conference 2000 in New York, Urantia Foundation convened a meeting of its International Representatives and Office Managers. Representatives traveled many hours—and in some cases days—to come together to discuss our shared goals.
Our Indonesian Representative, who traveled over 30 hours to attend this meeting, commented on how wonderful it was to finally meet other readers of The Urantia Book. Representatives and Office Managers gathered from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, England, France, Estonia, Finland, Greece, lndonesi Lithuania, Mexico, Senegal, South Korea, the United States, and Venezuela. Following the meeting Urantia Foundation Office Manager Mindy Williams said, “It was an incredible experience to work cooperatively with individuals from so many varied cultures and races.”
Staff and Trustees of Urantia Foundation updated the group on a variety of issues affecting their work, including IUA charter revisions, copyright and trademark policies, translation programs, website development, library placement and gift book programs, legal issues, and the development of a longtenn plan for Urantia Foundation. Foundation staff emphasized the importance of the representatives' input via regular reports. These are used to advise the Trustees in facilitating the spread of the teachings of The Urantia Book with other cultures or countries and in developing distribution channels for the book so that it is available and affordable. Guidelines were provided to representatives to assist them in providing services to readers and to provide suggestions for working with libraries, bookshops, and distributors.
Some representatives are new while others have been working to disseminate the teachings for many years. Foundation staff and the more experienced representatives gladly offer assistance as new representatives get established. As we work—each in his or her respective sphere—we are united in a common goal. We believe effective and regular communication between trustees, staff, international office managers, and representatives is an important key to our success.