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Singapore Book Fair

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Singapore Book Fair

For the past two years the Australian Foundation office has had a booth at the Singapore Book Fair. This year a Foundation representative from the Australian office was sent to "walk the floor," that is, to visit with booksellers and distributors at the book fair.

It was discovered that large distributors in Singapore are not interested in dealing with a publisher that carries only one title. However, a smaller distributor was found who is interested in carrying The Urantia Book. This distributor supplies books to mainstream bookstores throughout Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, South Africa, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The manager of this distributor offered to display The Urantia Book at their booth while at the fair and gave us a special stand. Four books were sold. Our representative was also taken to some of their retail outlets to introduce The Urantia Book to the store managers.

We are pleased to report that The Urantia Book is carried by Borders bookstore in Singapore. The store has been open since November of 1997 and so far it has sold eight Urantia Books. Several other major book chains were visited, and all showed an interest in the Book. A representative from one of the major chain stores said that they had received ten requests for The Urantia Book in the past year. English is one of the two official languages of Singapore, and English books are big sellers.