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Reader Comments About The Urantia Book

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Reader Comments About The Urantia Book

"I find it the single-most inspiring and spiritually enlightening book I have ever read. All through my life I have felt there's 'something more' to God and the universe than I have been taught and learned of. I also have always felt a certain kinship with Jesus and through the study of His life, as told in the book, have discovered the roots of my feelings and thoughts." ~ Washington, U.S.A.

"After much reading and listening, I find no connection of The URANTIA Book with UFOs. It is regrettable I didn't hear of The URANTIA Book 40 years ago. Do I believe in UFOs? Who cares! Most of today's kids will live 65 years or more. So much for the modern day doomsday prophets. I support your aloofness of the New Age movement." ~ Massachusetts, U.S.A.

"For more than 25 years I have searched through Eastern and Western religions and philosophies until I found URANTIA, which synthesizes them all." ~ Marbella, SPAIN

"Both my wife and I know that The URANTIA Book is what it claims to be. It is a revelation. It seems that everything I know of God my Father 'in experience' is The URANTIA Book. There were many concepts that already existed in my mind prior to reading the book and to read them in URANTIA was one of the most thrilling times of my life." ~ E-mail, NEW ZEALAND