IUA Gets Underway In U.S.A.
IUA Gets Underway In U.S.A.
From August 20 to August 22,1993, interested readers from Hawaii to Finland met in Nashville, Tennessee, with the Trustees of URANTIA Foundation in order to inaugurate the International URANTIA Association. Since then, the majority of those attending the meeting have applied for membership, and many are actively working in their local areas to form Associations of IUA. In addition to examining the Charter and Bylaws of IUA, the attendees at the Nashville meeting examined administrative techniques as they are discussed in The URANTIA Book; heard a provocative talk by Dr. Jeffrey Wattles on types of epochal revelation; participated in a Remembrance Supper; and listened to some moving musical moments by Sheila Miller and Bob Solone. Old friendships were renewed; new friendships were begun. Great things often happen when readers of The URANTIA Book get together, and bringing readers together is one of the purposes of IUA.