Sales and Distribution
Sales and Distribution
Even while there are significant developments towards translating The URANTLA Book into other languages, the sales of the English and French versions continue apace with sales for the first part of 1984 paralleling those of the same period in 1983. It is anticipated that the 1984 combined sales for the French and English versions of The URANTIA Book should be in the range of 10,000 copies as was the case last year.
Insofar as the original English version is concerned, a recent study indicates that the following nations received 100 or more copies of The URANTIA Book as of December, 1983: Canada -6,032; Australia -1,388; Finland -647; United Kingdom -252; New Zealand -187; France -184; and the Netherlands -174. Lesser numbers of copies have been sent to a number of other nations. The URAN1'IA Brotherhood Bulletin will provide a more complete report on the international distribution of Le Livre d'Urantia and The URANTIA Book.