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Reader Responses on Advertising and Publicity

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Reader Responses on Advertising and Publicity

In the last issue of this newsletter (July 1983), we presented an article which shared our thinking as to the wisdom of avoiding the use of publicity and advertising in the dissemination of The Urantia Book while encouraging the person-to-person approach. Within a few months of the appearance of the article, Urantia Brotherhood and Urantia Foundation distributed to the entire mailing list a joint policy statement which also discussed the matter of advertising and publicity.

In the past, letters from readers offering opinions about the content of newsletter articles or statements concerning policy matters have tended to be few in number and often presented alternative views to the policy positions presented. However, in this instance, both the article and the joint policy statement have together elicited, to date, some twenty-eight letters of response. So far, all the letters have been favorable toward the no publicity/no advertising policy. The letters have come from all parts of the United States as well as several other nations, and the considerable majority were written by persons who do not hold official positions in the organizations. While we recognize such limited data is not sufficient for purposes of statistical analysis, we do believe the comparative number of responses and the unanimous agreement suggest a broad base of support for the policy of not advertising or publicizing The Urantia Book.

We would, of course, like to share all the comments we received concerning the article and the policy statement, but there is not sufficient space. Therefore, we will present excerpts from one letter which reflects the tone, flavor and thinking of the other responses we received. The following are excerpts from the letter:

“I am writing this letter to support and commend the. .. 'collective wisdom' in avoiding the use of more public and mass means of spreading the news [of The Urantia Book]. “I am moved to speak from my own personal experience of my spiritual awakening with The Urantia Book. It is indeed a slow, day by day growing process in attaining higher levels of spiritual enlightenment. I have experienced this “slow-but-sure” way to growth in all aspects of my life, i.e., family, my career ... neighbors and community, etc. When I first knew of the book I of course tried to convert people I thought needed it. Now I find just living the example and growing with it is producing a quiet attraction,even though I know many still aren't ready for the book itself. People are starving for the truth. I feel we are like artists doing our work of aesthetic beauty for the world to see without having to 'advertise.' How I've experienced this in my own day to day living! Let's not miscarry our mission. Every day, a little more of the book bcomes a real experience for me, but it has been slow and quiet. I can even compare my spiritual experience with the birth of my child. The first tri-mester is so very important and crucial to the child's development, even though you can't even see or tell visually yet, that you are carrying a new life. Let's keep this in mind and not abort our carefully planned spiritual rebirth. Maybe in years to come advertising, yes, but not now at our crucial stages of development.”

We wish to thank all those who took time to share their thoughts on the advertising/publicity matter with us. Your comments on any matter, whether positive or negative, are always welcome.