In Memory of Christy
In Memory of Christy
Our beloved Christy has now graduated to the mansion worlds, as many of you know. On May 2, Christy left this world in furtherance of her universe career. All of us who knew her greet this passing with an understandably mixed sense of joy and loss.
As an original Trustee and as our Secretary, Office Manager, and Trustee Emeritus, Christy gave us a rich combination of service and leadership not only to the URANTIA Foundation but also to the entire URANTIA movement as a whole.
It is appropriate to recall the following testimonial adopted at the Trustees' meeting held October 16, 1971, honoring Christy upon her resignation as an active Trustee and her election as a Trustee Emeritus.
In Appreciation
Whereas, Emma L. Christensen, one of the flve Founding Trustees of URANTIA Foundation, has unstintingly given of her time and energies, her wisdom and foresight, in furtherance of its aims, and
Whereas this devoted Soldier of the Circles has displayed an uncommon response and loyalty to responsibilities that will have a lasting effect on generations to come and has at all times cheerfully accepted the duties that required dedicated devotion, and
Whereas, Christy as a member of the Forum, which preceded thc URANTIA Brotherhood, then as President of URANTIA Brotherhood, and President of First URANTIA Society, as well as holder of other positions of leadership wherein her cheerful and helpful counsel was always given generously and with the good of these groups always uppermost in her thoughts, now, therefore be it
Resolved that upon this occasion of her resignation as an active Trustee, we do hereby express our sincere love and appreciation for her many years of devoted service as s Trustee. We know we may continue to benefit by her wise counsel.
And upon this final resignation of Christy from her mortal duties in order to take on greater universe responsiblities, we wish to reaffirm this testimonial and again express our sincere and wholehearted love and appreciation for her many years of devoted service as a true and dedicated - and above all, trustworthy--Soldier of the Circles.