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Fund Raising For Seventh Printing

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Fund Raising For Seventh Printing

Exciting News!

URANTIA Foundation has established a URANTIA Book Printing Fund. All funds received as a result of the coming seventh printing fund raising campaign will be used specifically for the seventh and subsequent printings of The URANTIA Book.

How Will it Work?

When a URANTIA Book is sold, the cost of printing that book plus ten percent (inflation factor) will be allocated to a special fund. When we are ready for the eighth printing, the money will be taken from this fund for that specific purpose. We will continue this sane procedure for all future prlntings.

When Does the Fund Raising Begin?

As you will remember, this fund raising program was first announced in the last issue of this newsletter. Also, the chairman of the URANTIA Brotherhood Finance Committee gave a report on the initial plans for the fund raising at the August Workshops in Lake Forest, Illinois. The Committee is now in the process of developing the program and making preliminary contacts. We are happy to report that even before plans. for the fund raising have been finalized, a number of people have reacted to the first announcements of the drive by donating or pledging money toward the seventh printing.

How Much is Needed?

We need to raise $210,000 in order to print 25,000 books. This is not an easy goal to achieve. The Brotherhood Finance Comittee has accepted this challenge. They will assist the Foundation in this effort since the Foundation does not have enough personnel to undertake such a fund raising program and both organizations as well as all students of The URANTIA Book share a direct and mutual interest in its continued availability. This fund drive for the seventh printing is separate and distinct from our annual joint fund appeal letter from URANTIA Foundation and URANTIA Brotherhood which asks you to contribute to cover the general operating costs of both organizations for the coming year only. Our hope is that even in these difficult economic times you will make a special effort to contribute to both appeals as the printing of new books and operating costs are both essential. We know that all of you will give this your serious consideration so that when you hear from the Committee, you will respond in a generous manner.

Fund Raising For the Seventh Printing

Within the next couple of weeks the Finance Committee of the Brotherhood will undertake a capital fund drive for the specific purpose of obtaining funds for the seventh printing of The URANTIA Book. You will be hearing more about the drive as the plans unfold. This is the first time since the third printing that funds will be solicitied for a specific purpose. We urge you to give this your utmost consideration as the Finance Committee makes additional announcements in the near future. We know that all of you will continue to give us your financial support.