Urantia Foundation Observes Thirty Year Anniversary
Urantia Foundation Observes Thirty Year Anniversary
On January 2 of this year, Urantia Foundation marked its 30th Anniversary.
Three decades ago, the initial duty of the original Trustees was to plan for the first printing of The Urantia Book. Books became available for the first time on October 12, 1955. The patience and dedication of the early believers had at last been rewarded. An era had begun. For the first time in 2,000 years, a new revelation of truth came to illuminate our beleaguered world much as the early sunlight heralds a new day. This most recent gift of the Universal Father was in a form that man could possess and study; become steeped in its soul saving truths.
Over these 30 years a gradual evolution in the activities of Urantia Foundation has taken place. New duties have come along, old ones have broadened and deepened. Less than 8,000 copies of the sixth printing remain; we are preparing for the seventh printing. The copyright in The Urantia Book has been validated by the courts and we have a program established to safeguard and encourage the use of our registered marks. The Trustees rights in these elements of the revelation benefit all readers.
The number of our fellow mortals who are active in the spread of these new teachings has grown steadily. Maturity and sophistication within our ranks has been enhanced by years of study and by earnest-thinking given to how best to interest our fellow mortals in these new truths. There is greater awareness of the role each of our organizations should play in the future spread of these supernal truths.
In the years ahead we want to maintain good two way communications with our expanding number of friends in Urantia Brotherhood and its Societies and study groups.
The Trustees and staff want to know and benefit from the thinking of our fellow believers. We hope to foster a greater understanding of our responsibilities and to answer your questions.
We will try to attend many of the regional conferences. If you want one or two of us to visit your group, we can arrange a mutually convenient time. Good communications lead to greater understanding by all.
We want to find new ways of being of service to our fellows. Even though we all rightly think of Urantia Brotherhood as the chief bearer of these epochal revelatory tidings, Urantia Foundation is charged with this duty as well. The Trustees are interested in carrying out their functions while making it as easy as possible for all of us to work together. We know we will be successful.
We welcome your questions and comments.