Michael Painter, Mary Burton
Michael Painter, Mary Burton
It is a pleasure for us to advise you that Michael Painter has joined our staff as an administrative assistant. Mike assumed his position on June 13th. Mike, his wife, Sandi and two boys, Justin, 4 1/2, and Jason, 2 1/2, are currently moving from Indianapolis to a new home in Oak Park, a Chicago suburb. We are very happy to have Mike and his wonderful family join us here.
Mike has been very active for a number of years among readers of "The URANTIA Book" in the Indianapolis area. He has hosted a study group in his home for over six years. Recently, he was among those responsible for organizing and directing the 1979 Midwest Regional Conference held in June at Marian College in Indianapolis.
Recently, Mrs. June Moritz, who came to work for us as a receptionist/typist, has been transferred over to URANTIA Brotherhood to work as a clerk-typist. To take over June's position, we have been fortunate to obtain the services of Miss Mary Burton (no, not Chuck Burton's wife, just someone who shares the same name). Mary is an excellent addition to our staff.