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Scott Forsythe, Lea Ann Fishburn

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Scott Forsythe, Lea Ann Fishburn

Two new employees are joining the staff of URANTIA Foundation effective approximately August 1, 1978. Mr. Scott Forsythe, who is known to many readers of "The URANTIA Book," is joining URANTIA Foundation as an Administrative Assistant. Scott is presently a General Councilor of URANTIA Brotherhood and has been President of First URANTIA Society of Los Angeles for four years. Scott and his wife Carol will find a warm welcome here in Chicago. We are hoping they will be able to bootleg some of that California sunshine for use here in January.

Mrs. Lea Ann Fishburn, a fourth generation reader of "The URANTIA Book," will take over the Receptionist-typing responsibilities of Miss Kay Michaels who may now give full time to her secretarial responsibilities. Lea Ann, a native of Chicago, and no stranger to our office, will do work for both the Brotherhood and the Foundation. Although Lea Ann cannot bring California sunshine with her, her cheery disposition and happy smile will be an excellent substitute.