Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger
The challenges of this past year have given many opportunities for progress in helping to prepare the ground for the eventual dawning of a new age of religion on Urantia. While the world at large is not necessarily ready for the reception of "The URANTIA Book" itself, significant strides have been made in preparing the soil for a satisfying and larger expression of the love of mankind, as is so beautifully exemplified in the life of our Master Son, Jesus of Nazareth, and for the strengthening of the bonds of brotherhood among all peoples of all nations.
While this larger effort of world spiritualization must await the developments of time and the concomitant evolution of religion, the more immediate task of achieving unity of purpose in the face of a rich diversity of viewpoint is meeting with outstanding success.
As the different but complimentary purposes of URANTIA Foundation and URANTIA Brotherhood become more and more known and better understood, individual cooperation and support in our immediate tasks become more effective.
In this regard, we would like to make special note of the selfless and untiring efforts of Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger, President of URANTIA Brotherhood, toward helping the URANTIA Movement affirmatively actualize its powerful potential as the socializing agency for ever-augmenting personal spiritual growth of all who would enjoy sonship with our Paradise Father. Meredith is ably assisted in his quiet but effective work through the staunch support and love of his wife Irene. Irene, despite a bout with serious illness, travels with Meredith on a number of occasions and renders valuable assistance here at headquarters when she accompanies him. These are two outstanding workers in the Father's vineyard and from the results in the field one can see that they are joined by many others who--also unsung--labor for the same unity and understanding.