Book Sales
Book Sales
The Urantia Book is abroad in every State of the Union and most countries of the world. While the effect of its teachings may yet be small, it is, nonetheless, worldwide. The ever-increasing rate of growth of the Urantia movement is a recurrent theme in the various mailings. This time we wish to portray this growth a little more graphically by some new figures. More copies of The Urantia Book were sold last year than in the first twelve years of its printing (1955-1966). Concomitantly, the Urantia Foundation received more correspondence last year than in the years 1955-1968.
Recently, based on the trend for the past eight years, we made a projection of book sales for the next 10 years. Should the current trend continue, between 10 and 20 times as many Urantia Books will have been sold by 1984 as have been sold to date--without any promotional measures having been taken. These figures certainly testify to the potency of the Urantia teachings and to the effectiveness of the person-to-person dissemination of these teachings.
As the number of visitors we receive continues to mount, we note that a majority of them are coming from distant parts of the country, a good many from a far away as New York, New England, Florida, New Mexico, and California, as well as many parts of Canada.
The rapid spread of the good news implies the need for the Foundation to keep pace by recruiting more personnel, enlarging space, and gathering more funds. Some steps have already been taken in these matters and further ways and means are being explored on a continuing basis.
Since 1955, there have been well over 2,000 foreign sales of the English language Urantia Book. About half of these have been Canadian sales and the other 1,000 copies are scattered in over 40 countries and territories throughout the world.
The total Urantia Book sales for 1974 (estimating December sales) rose approximately 20 percent over 1973 sales. In November, a record 1,254 books were sold. The future is indeed looking bright.