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the library of Vienna, Austria

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Standard Reference Text Information (disponible en inglés)

  • About the Standard Reference Text. Explains how Urantia Foundation ensures the text of The Urantia Book is preserved inviolate. Lists minor textual corrections that have been adopted.

External Resources (disponible en inglés)

  • TruthBook Forum Archive. A web discussion forum that was active 2005–2024 and is now available as a searchable archive. It remains a valuable resource, with thousands of topics on "just about any subject imaginable to do with The Urantia Book."
  • The Paramony Online. A fully web-based cross-reference between The Urantia Book and the Holy Bible. First published in the 1980s, The Urantia Book Fellowship offers this web-based version at no charge.
  • Webster's 1913 Dictionary. This free web-based historic dictionary can help clarify the meanings of words used in The Urantia Book, seeing as word usages have changed since it was first published.