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Urantia Book in Costa Rica



To donate by mail, please send a check or money order to
Urantia Foundation
533 W Diversey Parkway
Chicago, IL 60614 USA
Urantia Foundation Donation Funds

Where Most Needed

The General Fund is the highest priority. Be assured that the trustees and staff of Urantia Foundation will direct your financial generosity to where it is most needed.

Publishing and Distribution

Books are published in physical, electronic, and audio formats. Global distribution networks are vital to the mission of Urantia Foundation. Your donation helps cover the costs of printing, shipping, and distribution.

Gift Book Program

Urantia Foundation is committed to making The Urantia Book available around the world. Free and discounted books are provided to individuals and organizations where distribution is not available. The Foundation also fosters library placement programs. 

Translations and Revisions

Urantia Foundation has published translations of The Urantia Book in 26 languages, and more are in the works. All translations require ongoing revisions. Your donation will help bring the Urantia Revelation to new countries!

Outreach and Website

The Foundation's largest outreach tool is the website. Now in 27 languages, urantia.org offers ready access to the online text, a comprehensive search engine, free downloads, and a multi-language book. Other outreach activities include newsletters, Thoughts to Ponder, and sponsoring conferences and events of reader organizations.


Urantia Foundation sponsors workshops, retreats, and seminars. Urantia Book International School offers free online classes conducted by trained volunteers in English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Building Preservation

The historic 1908 Chicago Greystone building is the birthplace of the Urantia Revelation. Continuous and costly maintenance and upkeep are required to preserve and protect this community treasure. Please visit the next time you are in Chicago!

Urantia Foundation respects your privacy. Online donations to the Foundation are safe and secure. We will never sell, trade, or share your information with anyone else. Please read our privacy policy for more information.