Urantia Foundation and GLMUA host USUA Meeting

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Urantia Foundation and GLMUA host USUA Meeting

The staff of Urantia Foundation and members of the Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association (GLMUA) were delighted to host association leaders from around the United States who gathered for the Annual Business Meeting of the United States Urantia Association (USUA) in Chicago June 1, 2002.

The weekend started on Friday evening with a lively reception on the third floor of Urantia Foundation headquarters. Old and new friends greeted one another and engaged in animated discussions of activities within the United States and abroad. The common bond of service to our fellows and a shared interest in disseminating the teachings of The Urantia Book united this diverse group.

Twenty-seven national officers, committee chairs, and local officers representing twelve local associations attended the business meeting, along with ten members who attended as observers. We heard presentations from the chairs of several active committees who inspired us to greater commitments in these areas of service, including Conference, Education, Membership, and Publications.

Amidst their busy day of association activities, this body of Local Presidents and Vice-Presidents unanimously voted for the adoption by the USUA of the following statements:

We believe that The Urantia Book is the fifth epochal revelation to the planet.

We wholeheartedly support Urantia Foundation in their dedicated work as the publisher, translator and protector of The Urantia Book.

We sincerely regret the actions of a few to undermine the work of Urantia Foundation in its effortsto fulfill the requirements of its Declaration of Trust as clearly demonstrated by the decision to print an alternate version of The Urantia Book and translations thereof.

Second, in response to allegations impugning the character of Dr. William S. Sadler made by Harry McMullan III in a court of law last year, the group voted to make this public statement:

In our opinion William S. Sadler, M.D., was a man of the highest integrity and honor, who devoted his life and his resources to the Urantia Revelation with no expectation of personal gain.

In making this statement, the United States Urantia Association joined with the early leaders of Urantia Brotherhood who, in 1959, honored Dr. Sadler by presenting him with the Van Award for his outstanding contributions, character, and leadership and his many years of devoted and distinguished service.

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Tel: +1-773-525-3319; Fax: +1-773-525-7739
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