2018 UYAI Post-Conference

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Mon, 04/16/2018 - 01:00 - Wed, 04/18/2018 - 01:00

Hosted by UYAI (Urantia Young Adults International)

Great news about the 2018 Urantia Association International Conference: there will be a post-conference organized by Urantia Young Adults International members and friends, for those who prefer to stay longer in the Netherlands!

See details and prices at: https://urantia-association.org/2018/uyai-post-conference-2018-urantia-association-international-conference/

Foundation Info

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Urantia Foundation, 533 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
Tel: +1-773-525-3319; Fax: +1-773-525-7739
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