Urantia Foundation Annual Report 2015

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Dear friends of Urantia Foundation,

The situation has been clearly stated:

"Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.”

People need a road map to the next epoch—and here it is—within the pages of The Urantia Book.

Together, our job is to seed these hopeful teachings so that the spirit forces of the universe can act upon them. With your support, Urantia Foundation will continue sharing the light of a new revelation throughout the world.

Thank you for being a part of the Foundation's mission. Thank you on behalf of everyone whose life is being transformed through the teachings of The Urantia Book. In partnership, we can spread truth from above to improve people's lives here and bring hope to the world.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees,

Mo Siegel, President
Urantia Foundation

Click here to read the Annual Report as a PDF

Thank You

With your prayers and help, the teachings of The Urantia Book are being disseminated into the world and are bringing new hope to spiritually hungry people.

Using Your Gifts WiselyGetting the Revelation into the World

2015 by the numbers

  • 19,045 books distributed
  • 41,443 books downloaded from urantia.org
  • 1,488,770 sessions at urantia.org with 894,007 unique visits
  • 28,300 books printed in English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish
  • 462 students from 175 countries in the Urantia Book Internet School (new.ubis.urantia.org)
  • 28 free, 10-week internet school courses offered—17 in English, 4 in French, 6 in Spanish, and 1 in Portuguese—taught by volunteers

Making Spiritual Hope Real through Translations and Revisions

16 translations

  1. Bulgarian
  2. Dutch
  3. Estonian
  4. Finnish
  5. French
  6. German
  7. Hungarian
  8. Italian
  9. Korean
  10. Lithuanian
  11. Polish
  12. Portuguese
  13. Romanian
  14. Russian
  15. Spanish
  16. Swedish

3 ongoing revisions

  1. Portuguese
  2. Russian
  3. Spanish

5 ongoing translations

  1. Chinese
  2. Czech
  3. Farsi
  4. Hebrew
  5. Indonesian

24 translators, revisers, and editors, and 6 groups of advising readers

2015 Audited Financial Summary

Book Revenue
Sales of The Urantia Book
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Profit
Non-Book Revenue and Support
Restricted Contributions
Unrestricted Contributions
Other Income
Functional Expenses
General and Administration1
Change in Net Assets Before Investments
Supplemental Items  
Pledged Estate Gift not Received
Book Printing
Change in Net Assets Before Investments
and After Supplemental Items
Income vs. Expenses
After Accounting for Supplemental Items
Income Received
All Expenses
Sources of Revenue and Support
Before Supplemental Items
Gross Profit—Books
Restricted Contributions
Other Income
Unrestricted Contributions
Functional Expenses
Before Supplemental Items
General and Administration
1Executive director did not take a salary.  

We feel a deep responsibility to be trustworthy stewards of the donations we receive, and to manage Urantia Foundation in a way that exemplifies the high performance the Urantia Revelation and humanity deserve.

—Gard Jameson, Trustee and Finance Committee Chair

Our Mission and Purpose

The mission of Urantia Foundation is to seed The Urantia Book and its teachings globally.

How The Urantia Book Changed My Life

Flor Robles
Flor Robles
While growing up in Mexico and attending Catholic school, I had unanswered questions about evolution, Adam and Eve, and space. I also questioned how God could be looking for my mistakes so I could suffer the consequences.

In my quest for answers, I read a lot of books, but the answers eluded me until I read Caballo de Troya by J.J. Benitez. Here I found a new and different Jesus, and I wanted to know more about him. I continued reading books by Benitez, and then one day I discovered a big, blue book in a bookstore. Upon it was the magical word “Urantia,” and I had to have it. Tears of happiness still flow when I remember that wonderful day!

At first I didn't understand much, but I did find answers to my questions, a new perspective on science and evolution, and a logical explanation to our origin, history, and destiny. The enormity and purpose of our Father's creation unfolded and for the first time, I felt God's love. I realized I was not alone anymore! A fragment of the Father lives in me, guides me, and helps me create my soul—the true and real me.

Now I know my “address” in the universe, where I am going, and how I will get there. I know our beloved sovereign Michael of Nebadon, who he is, and how he lived and taught as Jesus of Nazareth.

The Urantia Book has given me so much hope. I am eternally grateful for finding it!

Flor Robles

Gard Jameson
Richard Keeler
Marilynn Kulieke
Georges Michelson-Dupont
Henk Mylanus
Mo Siegel
Judy Van Cleave

Associate Trustees:
Marta Elders
Víctor García-Bory
Richard Jernigan
Guy Perron
Line St-Pierre
Angie Thurston
Ralph Zehr

Ashley Hazes
Joanne Strobel
Tamara Strumfeld

The vision of Urantia Foundation is to foster the spiritual transformation of humankind by presenting to the world the teachings of The Urantia Book by means commensurate with our values and with our faith in a loving God.

Foundation Info

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Urantia Foundation, 533 W. Diversey Parkway, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
Tel: +1-773-525-3319; Fax: +1-773-525-7739
© Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved