The Life of Jesus as Compared with the Four Gospels

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120. The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia.
121. The Times of Michael’s Bestowal.



122. Birth and Infancy of Jesus.
123. The Early Childhood of Jesus.
124. The Later Childhood of Jesus.
125. Jesus at Jerusalem.



126. The Two Crucial Years.
127. The Adolescent Years.
128. Jesus’ Early Manhood.
129. The Later Adult Life of Jesus.



130. On the Way to Rome.
131. The World’s Religions.
132. The Sojourn at Rome.
133. The Return from Rome.
134. The Transition Years.
135. John the Baptist.



136. Baptism and the Forty Days.
137. Tarrying Time in Galilee.
138. Training the Kingdom’s Messengers.
139. The Twelve Apostles.
140. The Ordination of the Twelve.



141. Beginning the Public Work.
142. The Passover at Jerusalem.
143. Going through Samaria.
144. At Gilboa and in the Decapolis.
145. Four Eventful Days at Capernaum.



146. First Preaching Tour of Galileo.
147. The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem.
148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida.
149. The Second Preaching Tour.
150. The Third Preaching Tour.



151. Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside.
152. Events Leading Up to the Capernaum Crisis.
153. The Crisis at Capernaum.
154. Last Days at Capernaum.
155. Fleeing through Northern Galilee.
156. The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon.



157. At Caesarea-Philippi.
158. The Mount of Transfiguration.
159. The Decapolis Tour.



160. Rodan of Alexandria.
161. FurtherDiscussions with Rodan.
162. At the Feast of Tabernacles.
163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan.
164. At the Feast of Dedication.



165. The Perean Mission Begins.
166. Last Visit to Northern Perea.
167. The Visit to Philadelphia.
168. The Resurrection of Lazarus.
169. Last Teaching at Pella.
170. The Kingdom of Heaven.



171. On the Way to Jerusalem.
172. Going into Jerusalem.
173. Monday in Jerusalem.
174. Tuesday Morning in the Temple.
175. The Last Temple Discourse.
176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet.
177. Wednesday, the Rest Day.
178. Last Day at the Camp.



179. The Last Supper.
180. The Farewell Discourse.
181. Final Admonitions and Warnings.



182. In Gethsemane.
183. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus.
184. Before the Sanhedrin Court.
185. The Trial before Pilate.
186. Just before the Crucifixion.



187. The Crucifixion.
188. The Time of the Tomb.
189. The Resurrection.



190. Morontia Appearances of Jesus.
191. Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders.
192. Appearances in Galilee.
193. Final Appearances and Ascension.



194. Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth.
195. After Pentecost.
196. The Faith of Jesus.






PAPER 120. The Bestowal of Michael on Urantia.

This paper is not found in the New Testament.

PAPER 121. The Times of Michael’s Bestowal.

While this paper is not in the New Testament, there is to be noted in this connection:

  1. The prologue to John’s Gospel which is not found in the Urantia Papers. John 1:1-18.
  2. The preface to Luke’s Gospel which is not found in the Urantia Papers. Luke 1:1-4.
  3. The two genealogies of Jesus which are not found in the Urantia Papers. Matt. 1:1-17. Luke 3:23-38.



PAPER 122. Birth and Infancy of Jesus.

Intro. Choosing Palestine—Joseph and Mary. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Joseph and Mary. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Gabriel Appears to Elizabeth. Luke 1:5-25.

  1. Mary visits Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-56.
  2. John’s birth, March 25, 7 B.C. Luke 1:57-80.

Sec. 3. Gabriel’s Announcement to Mary. Luke 1:26-38.

Sec. 4. Joseph’s Dream. Matt. 1:18-25.

Sec. 5. Jesus’ Earth Parents. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Home at Nazareth. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 7. The Trip to Bethlehem. Luke 2:1-5.

Sec. 8. The Birth of Jesus. Luke 2:6,7.

  1. The angels and the shepherds. Luke 2:8-20.
  2. The wise men. Matt. 2:1-8.
  3. The star of Bethlehem. Matt. 2:9-12.

(Note: Luke 2:21, dealing with circumcision, is not in the Urantia Papers.)

Sec. 9. The Presentation in the Temple. Luke 2:22-39.

Sec.10. Herod Acts. (Flight to Egypt) Matt. 2:13-23.

PAPER 123. The Early Childhood of Jesus.

Intro.Two years in Alexandria. Leave for Bethlehem in August 4 B.C.

Go to Nazareth in October. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Back in Nazareth. Matt. 2:23. Luke 2:39,40.

Birth of James April 2, 3 B.C. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Fifth Year (2 B.C.) Not in New Testament.

  1. Thought adjuster arrives. February 11, 2 B.C.
  2. Discussion of Hebrew child culture.

Sec. 3. Events of the Sixth Year (1 B.C.) Not in New Testament.

  1. Education—asks nature questions.
  2. John the Baptist’s visit—summer 1 B.C
  3. Becomes interested in Hebrew history.
  4. Trouble with his prayers.
  5. Joseph becomes a contractor.
  6. Develops emotional control.
  7. Studies nature.

Sec. 4. The Seventh Year (A.D. 1). Not in New Testament.

  1. Play life.
  2. July accident—discussion.

Sec. 5. School Days in Nazareth. Not in New Testament.

  1. Starts to school at seven.
  2. Description of school life.
  3. Meets wide range of strangers.
  4. Bright student—masters three languages.
  5. Nazareth one of 24 priest centers.
  6. Jesus’ social status.

Sec. 6. His Eighth Year (A.D. 2). Not in New Testament.

  1. Visits uncle’s farm in June.
  2. Becomes interested in mathematics.
  3. Simon born April 14, A.D. 2.
  4. Nahor of Jerusalem visits them.


PAPER 124. The Later Childhood of Jesus.

Intro. Contrast of Galilee with Alexandria. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Jesus’ Ninth Year (A.D. 3).

  1. Mention of a minor illness.
  2. School life—picture of teacher on floor.
  3. Giving up drawing and modeling.
  4. Martha born September 13.
  5. Study of climate—weather.
  6. Makes trips with his father.

Sec. 2. The Tenth Year (A.D. 4). Not in New Testament.

  1. Becomes conscious of his mission.
  2. Enters advanced school.
  3. Jacob—the stone mason’s son.
  4. Leader of youth—likes older people.
  5. Thinking about a vocation.

Sec. 3. The Eleventh Year (A.D. 5). Not in New Testament.

  1. Spends much time at caravan shop.
  2. Jude born June 24.
  3. Studies Hebrew scriptures.
  4. Trip to Scythopolis—the annual games.
  5. Only time he saw his father angry.

Sec. 4. The Twelfth Year (A.D. 6). Not in New Testament.

  1. Begins regular carpenter work.
  2. Hard for parents to understand.
  3. Pursues music. Teaches home school.
  4. Parents differ concerning his mission.
  5. The parchment on the doorpost.

Sec. 5. His Thirteenth Year (A.D. 7). Luke 2:41-51.

(Aside from this passage in Luke, the story of this year is not in the New Testament.)

  1. Amos born January 9.
  2. Becomes assured of his destiny.
  3. Graduates March 20.
  4. Talk about study at Jerusalem.

Sec. 6. The Journey to Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

  1. Goes to the Passover.
  2. Reviews history going down the Jordan.
  3. Rest at Bethany—meets Simon and three children.
  4. Stops in Jerusalem with mother’s relatives.
  5. Impressed by temple, but repulsed by slaughter.
  6. Messenger appears—reminding him of his mission.


PAPER 125. Jesus at Jerusalem.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. Intrigued by the temple.
  2. Disappointed by perfunctory services.
  3. God cannot love us less than earthly father.

Sec. 1. Jesus Views the Temple. Not in New Testament.

  1. Shocked by lack of reverence.
  2. Sickened by slaughter.
  3. Joseph explains the major feasts.

Sec. 2. Jesus and the Passover. Not in New Testament.

  1. Five Families celebrate Passover at Bethany.
  2. Jesus thinks of bloodless Passover.
  3. All disturbed—but little sleep.
  4. Lazarus shows Jesus around.
  5. Jesus goes to Bethany Wednesday night.
  6. Make arrangements for Jesus to return in two years.
  7. Enjoys meeting youth of the empire.

Sec. 3. Departure of Joseph and Mary. Luke 2:41-44.

How Jesus was left behind.

Sec. 4. First and Second Days in the Temple. Not in New Testament.

  1. Listens at temple. Spends night at Bethany.
  2. Next morning—weeps on Olivet.
  3. Parents return to Jerusalem. Luke 2:45.
  4. Jesus begins to ask questions. Ridiculed.
  5. Returns to Bethany for night. Meditates in garden.

Sec. 5. The Third Day in the Temple. Not in New Testament.

  1. Asks questions and participates in debates.
  2. Parents are searching for him.

Sec. 6. The Fourth Day in the Temple. Luke 2:46-51.

  1. Returns to the temple discussions.
  2. Parents find and rebuke him.
  3. Jesus’ judicious reply.
  4. Return to Nazareth. Jesus’ promises.
  5. Joseph and Mary puzzled.



PAPER 126. The Two Crucial Years. (14 and 15)

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. Consciousness of divinity and destiny.
  2. Increased interest in Jewish people.

Sec. 1. His Fourteenth Year (A.D. 8). Not in New Testament.

  1. Works in wood, canvas, and leather.
  2. Climbs hill and reviews history.
  3. Continues advanced course of reading.
  4. Parents in a quandary.

Sec. 2. The Death of Joseph. Not in New Testament.

  1. Accidentally killed at Sepphoris.
  2. Jesus becomes head of the family.
  3. Entertains with the harp.

Sec. 3. The Fifteenth Year (A.D. 9). Not in New Testament.

  1. Sells a Nazareth house.
  2. Ruth born April 17.
  3. Formulates first family prayer.
  4. Much confused thinking.
  5. Finds “Son of Man” in Book of Enoch.
  6. Ponders what his mission would be.
  7. Mother increasingly alarmed.

Sec. 4. First Sermon in the Synagogue. Not in New Testament.

  1. Fifteenth birthday qualifies him for synagogue.
  2. Delivers first sermon.

Sec. 5. The Financial Struggle. Not in New Testament.

  1. Standard of living declines.
  2. Declining work. Taxes difficult.
  3. Herod rejects claim for money due Joseph.
  4. Rents garden plot.


PAPER 127. The Adolescent Years

Intro. Conscious of pre-existence. Property going—struggle increases. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Sixteenth Year (A.D. 10). Not in New Testament.

  1. The adolescent Jesus.
  2. A fully mature individual.
  3. More difficult to understand.
  4. Sells another house.
  5. Contemplates his future work.
  6. A real father to his family.

Sec. 2. The Seventeenth Year (A.D. 11). Not in New Testament.

  1. Dilenma of Zealots’ organisation.
  2. Attitude splits Nazareth youth.
  3. First evasion of frankness.
  4. Cites family responsibility as excuse.
  5. James graduates and goes to work.

Sec. 3. The Eighteenth Year (A.D. 12). Not in New Testament.

  1. Property (except home) all gone.
  2. Takes James to Passover.
  3. Celebrate at Bethany. Simon of Bethany dead.
  4. James received into the commonwealth.
  5. “My hour has not yet come.”
  6. Gets back old family repair shop.
  7. Reads in the synagogue.
  8. Elizabeth and John visit Nazareth.
  9. Amos dies December 3.

Sec. 4. The Nineteenth Year (A.D. 13). Not in New Testament.

  1. Getting along better with his mother.
  2. Positive teaching vs. negative.
  3. Nonresistance and the children.
  4. Liberalizing Sabbath observance.
  5. Jude starts to school.

Sec. 5. Rebecca, the Daughter of Ezra. Not in New Testament.

  1. Rebecca falls in love.
  2. How Jesus manages the affair.

Sec. 6. His Twentieth Year (A.D. 14). Not in New Testament.

  1. Continuation of Rebecca’s story.
  2. Goes up to the Passover.
  3. Bloodless Passover at Bethany.
  4. Mary talks with him about marriage.
  5. Gets equity in Capernaum property.
  6. Becomes fully a man.


PAPER 128. Jesus’ Early Manhood.

Intro. Twofold purpose of the bestowal. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Twenty-first Year (A.D. 15). Not in New Testament.

  1. Recognizes his dual nature.
  2. Combines knowledge and experience into wisdom.
  3. Increased realization of divinity.
  4. Never objected to his titles.
  5. The universe suspense.
  6. Takes Joseph to the Passover.

Sec. 2. The Twenty-second Year (A.D. 16). Not in New Testament.

  1. Adolescent troubles of siblings.
  2. Simon graduates.
  3. Blacksmith at Sepphoris.
  4. Installs James as head of family.
  5. Six months at Sepphoris.
  6. Prepares for withdrawal from family.

Sec. 3. The Twenty-third Year (A.D. 17). Not in New Testament.

  1. Four now working—economic pressure relaxed.
  2. Takes Simon to Passover.
  3. Offer to go to Damascus—import trade.
  4. Meets Stephen at Jerusalem.
  5. Mary’s concern over Jesus.

Sec. 4. The Damascus Episode. Not in New Testament.

  1. Four months in Damascus.
  2. The proposed Damascus school.
  3. Why he detached life episodes.

Sec. 5. The Twenty-fourth Year (A.D. 18). Not in New Testament.

  1. First freedom from family responsibilities.
  2. Rejection of the Alexandrian proposals.
  3. An uneventful six months.
  4. James tells of love for Esta.
  5. Miriam loves Jacob.

Sec. 6. The Twenty-fifth Year (A.D. 19). Not in New Testament.

  1. Superb specimen of manhood.
  2. Takes Jude to Passover.
  3. Jude gets arrested.
  4. How Jesus manages the case.
  5. Children play at repair shop.

Sec. 7. The Twenty-sixth Year (A.D. 20). Not in New Testament.

  1. Contemplates his mission.
  2. Family running smoothly.
  3. Enjoys leisure—trains James and Joseph.
  4. Jude runs away.
  5. Double wedding—James and Miriam.
  6. Joseph becomes head of family.
  7. Gives shop to James—prepares to leave.


PAPER 129. The Later Adult Life of Jesus.

Intro. Detaches himself from his family. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Twenty-seventh Year (A.D. 21). Not in New Testament.

  1. In January Jesus leaves home.
  2. Visits cities and goes to Capernaum.
  3. Becomes a boatbuilder.
  4. Works for Zebedee one year.
  5. Lives and works at Bethsaida.
  6. Whole family admires Jesus.
  7. Sends money home.
  8. Taxed as “skilled craftsman.”
  9. Enjoys synagogue library.
  10. Conducts meetings at home and shop.

Sec. 2. The Twenty-eighth Year (A.D. 22). Not in New Testament.

  1. In March Jesus leaves Capernaum.
  2. Goes to Jerusalem for Passover.
  3. Puts John Zebedee in charge of his family.
  4. They buy a house in Jesus’ name.
  5. Visits in Jerusalem two months.
  6. Calls on Annas—inspects schools.
  7. Meets Gonod and goes to Rome.

Sec. 3. The Twenty-ninth Year (A.D. 23). Not in New Testament.

  1. Spends this year in Mediterranean tour.
  2. Known as Damascus scribe.
  3. As Jewish tutor at Corinth.
  4. Only Zebedee knew facts of this trip.
  5. Bestowal on Urantia—for the universe.
  6. Purpose of trip: to know men.
  7. Makes great advances in character.

Sec. 4. The Human Jesus. Not in New Testament.

  1. Period of his personal ministry.
  2. Perfects prayer life—understands men.
  3. An inspiration—not an example.



PAPER 130. On the Way to Rome.

Intro. Rome tour covers most of two years. Not in New Testament.

  1. Description of the trip.
  2. Spends half of day with Ganid and Gonod.

Sec. 1. At Joppa—Discourse on Jonah. Not in New Testament.

  1. Gadiah asks about Jonah.
  2. Jesus’ discussion of Jonah.
  3. Discusses good and evil.

Sec. 2. At Caesarea. Not in New Testament.

  1. Tarry because of broken steering paddle.
  2. Instructs Chinese merchant.
  3. Anaxand tells Jesus his troubles.
  4. Ganid intrigued by Jesus’ personal work.
  5. Tells Ganid about animal psychology.

Sec. 3. At Alexandria. Not in New Testament.

  1. Get settled. The library and city.
  2. Ganid collects data on world religions.
  3. Arranges translations at Rome.
  4. Gonod meets Alexander—brother of Philo.

Sec. 4. Discourse on Reality. Not in New Testament.

  1. Discusses Plato with library professor.
  2. One of his scientific dissertations.
  3. Special talk to Ganid.

Sec. 5. On the Island of Crete. Not in New Testament.

  1. They go to Crete to play.
  2. First talk with Gonod on religion.
  3. Drunken man attacks slave girl.

Sec. 6. The Young Man Who Was Afraid. Not in New Testament.

  1. How Jesus did personal work.
  2. Message to the downcast lad.

Sec. 7. At Carthage—Discourse on Time and Space. Not in New Testament.

  1. Talks with Mithraic priest.
  2. Seven concepts of space conditioned by time.

Sec. 8. On the Way to Naples and Rome. Not in New Testament.

  1. Stop at Malta. Claudus—suicide.
  2. Week at Syracuse—helps Ezra.
  3. Stop at Naples.
  4. By Capua to Rome.


PAPER 131. The World’s Religions.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Cynicism.

Sec. 2. Judaism.

Sec. 3. Buddhism.

Sec. 4. Hinduism.

Sec. 5. Zoroastrianism.

Sec. 6. Suduanism (Jainism).

Sec. 7. Shinto.

Sec. 8. Taoism.

Sec. 9. Confucianism.

Sec.10. “Our Religion.”

PAPER 132. The Sojourn at Rome.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. Meets leaders of Stoics, Cynics, and Mithraics.
  2. Paves way for later missionaries.
  3. Three factors in spread of Christianity.

Sec. 1. True Values. Not in New Testament.

Talk with Angamon—Stoic leader.

Sec. 2. Good and Evil. Not in New Testament.

Talk with Mardus—Cynic leader.

Sec. 3. Truth and Faith. Not in New Testament.

Talk with Nabon—Mithraic leader.

Sec. 4. Personal Ministry. Not in New Testament.

  1. Ministers to over five hundred.
  2. To soldier, forum speaker, and man falsely accused.

Sec. 5. Counseling the Rich Man. Not in New Testament.

  1. Ten factors in wealth.
  2. Discussion of riches.

Sec. 6. Social Ministry. Not in New Testament.

The widow with five children.

Sec. 7. Trips about Rome. Not in New Testament.

  1. Five trips about Rome.
  2. In Switzerland—talks religion with Gonod.
  3. Ganid proposes to make new religion.


PAPER 133. The Return from Rome.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Discusses India’s caste system.

Sec. 1. Mercy and Justice. Not in New Testament.

  1. Bully attacks youth. Discussion.
  2. For days they talk it over.
  3. Why persons did not attack Jesus.

Sec. 2. Embarking at Tarentum. Not in New Testament.

  1. Man attacking his wife.
  2. Pleasant sail to Nicopolis.

Sec. 3. At Corinth. Not in New Testament.

  1. Contact with synagogue.
  2. Meeting with Crispus.
  3. Paul, Silas, and Timothy later meet these people.
  4. Jesus shuns public baths.
  5. Episode of the two courtesans.
  6. Martha and the two women.

Sec. 4. Personal Work in Corinth. Not in New Testament.

The miller, centurion, Mithraist, Epicurean, contractor, judge, innkeeper, Chinese merchant, traveler, runaway lad, and condemned criminal.

Sec. 5. At Athens—Discourse on Science. Not in New Testament.

  1. Visit to university.
  2. Discussion with Greek philosopher.

Sec. 6. At Ephesus—Discourse on the Soul. Not in New Testament.

Talks with homesick Phoenician and Greek philosopher.

Sec. 7. The Sojourn at Cyprus—Discourse on Mind. Not in New Testament.

  1. Rest for two weeks.
  2. Ganid’s illness—Jesus nurses him.
  3. Animal and human minds.

Sec. 8. At Antioch. Not in New Testament.

Jesus grows more sober.

Sec. 9. In Mesopotamia. Not in New Testament.

  1. Visit to Ur.
  2. Farewell to the Indians.
  3. End of mission of Joshua the teacher.


PAPER 134. The Transition Years.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Jesus reconciled to Palestine.

Sec. 1. The Thirtieth Year (A.D. 24). Not in New Testament.

  1. Left Indians at Charax—December A.D. 23.
  2. Returned to Nazareth.
  3. Family thought he had been at Alexandria.
  4. Visits family several weeks.
  5. Jude and Simon get married.
  6. Caravan conductor falls sick.

Sec. 2. The Caravan Trip to the Caspian. Not in New Testament.

  1. Trip takes full year.
  2. Stops at Lake Urmia on return.

Sec. 3. The Urmia Lectures. Not in New Testament.

  1. Cymboyton and religious forum.
  2. Disagreement of angels of churches and angels of progress regarding Urantia Revelation.

Sec. 4. Sovereignty—Divine and Human. Not in New Testament.

Jesus’ discussions.

Sec. 5. Political Sovereignty. Not in New Testament.

Restatement by revelators.

Sec. 6. Law, Liberty, and Sovereignty. Not in New Testament.

  1. Continued discussion.
  2. Death of Cymboyton—and the forum.

Sec. 7. The Thirty-first Year (A.D. 25). Not in New Testament.

  1. Visits Capernaum, Tyre, and Antioch.
  2. Goes to many cities on way to Beersheba.
  3. Sojourns on Mount Hermon.

Sec. 8. The Sojourn on Mount Hermon. Not in New Testament.

  1. In August engages Tiglath.
  2. Six weeks on Mount Hermon.
  3. Confronts his universe enemies.
  4. Technically completes his bestowal.

Sec. 9. The Time of Waiting. Not in New Testament.

  1. Meets his family in Capernaum.
  2. Starts to Feast of Tabernacles with John Zebedee.
  3. Stops at Bethany.
  4. Returns alone. Works at boatshop.
  5. John the Baptist at Pella.


PAPER 135. John the Baptist.

Intro. Birth of John. Luke 1:57-80.

Visits Jesus in June, 1 B.C.

Sec. 1. John Becomes a Nazarite. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Death of Zacharias. Not in New Testament.

  1. He dies in July, A.D. 12.
  2. In September John and mother visit Nazareth.
  3. Goes to Hebron when John was 20.
  4. Becomes shepherd near Engedi.
  5. Grows fond of Abner.

Sec. 3. The Life of a Shepherd. Not in New Testament.

  1. Ezda, the orphan lad.
  2. Keeps posted on world affairs.
  3. Studies Daniel.

Sec. 4. The Death of Elizabeth. Not in New Testament.

  1. She dies August 17, A.D. 22.
  2. Attends funeral. Gives flocks to Abner.
  3. Enters Engedi. Studies Bible.
  4. Captivated by Elijah.

Sec. 5. The Kingdom of God. Not in New Testament.

  1. The kingdom in Old Testament.
  2. Hebrew views.

Sec. 6. John Begins to Preach. Matt. 3:1-12. Mark 1:1-6. Luke 3:1-15.

  1. Opposite Jericho—March, A.D. 25.
  2. At Bethany ford—four months.
  3. Priests inquire if he is Messiah. John 1:19-28.

Sec. 7. John Journeys North.

  1. At Adam. Matt. 3:11. Mark 1:7,8. Luke 3:16-18.
  2. Expands his teaching.

Sec. 8. Meeting of Jesus and John. Matt. 3:13-17. Mark 1:9-11. Luke 3:21-22.

  1. John reaches Pella in December, A.D. 25.
  2. James, John, and Jude plan to see John.
  3. Just before noon, Sunday, January 13, A.D. 26, Jesus lays down his tools, saying: “My hour has come.”
  4. Next day presents himself for baptism at noon, January 14, A.D. 26.
  5. John tells him of Gabriel’s visit to his mother.

Sec. 9. Forty Days of Preaching.

  1. New deputation of priests. John 1:19-28.
  2. Jesus returns February 23.
  3. John proclaims him “Son of God.” John 1:29-34.
  4. +Next morning separate for good.

Sec.10. John Journeys South. Not in New Testament.

  1. March 3 John starts south.
  2. Stays several weeks at Adam.
  3. By June back at Bethany ford.
  4. Herod alarmed. Arrests John June 12.

Sec. 11. John in Prison. Matt. 14:1-4.

  1. John’s disciples report to him. John 3:25-36.
  2. John sends word to Jesus. This was his last message. Matt. 11:2-30. Luke 7:18-35. (Also in Paper 144)

Sec. 12. Death of John the Baptist. Matt. 14:5-12. Mark 6:14-29. Luke 9:7-9.

  1. In prison at Machaerus.
  2. The birthday feast.
  3. Herodias has her daughter dance.
  4. Herod’s rash oath. John is beheaded.
  5. Disciples bury John.



PAPER 136. Baptism and the Forty Days.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Difference in messages of John and Jesus.

Sec. 1. Concepts of the Expected Messiah. Not in New Testament.

  1. Servant of the Lord. Son of Man. Son of God.
  2. Restoration of David’s throne.
  3. National sin and Roman rule.

Sec. 2. The Baptism of Jesus. Matt. 3:13-17. Mark 1:9-11. Luke 3:21-22.

  1. Jesus attains pinnacle of development.
  2. Instead of fusing, his Adjuster is personalized.
  3. The Adjuster speaks.
  4. Jesus is 31-1/2 years old.
  5. End of purely human life of Jesus.

Sec. 3. The Forty Days. Matt. 4:1-11. Mark 1:12,13. Luke 4:1-13.

  1. The great temptation had been on Mount Hermon earlier.
  2. Meets Gabriel and the Constellation Father.
  3. Completion of sovereignty.

Sec. 4. Plans for Public Work. Not in New Testament.

  1. Reviews Immanuel’s instructions.
  2. Fasted only two days.
  3. Two ways—his and the Father’s.
  4. Time of the great decisions.

Sec. 5. The First Great Decision. Not in New Testament.

  1. Not to utilize superhuman powers.
  2. Assigns command of all spiritual hosts to his Personalized Adjuster.
  3. Adjuster warns him concerning time.

Sec. 6. The Second Decision. Matt. 4:2-4. Luke 4:3,4.

  1. No miraculous satisfaction of his personal needs.
  2. Refusal of self-defense.
  3. No wonder-working mission.

Sec. 7. The Third Decision. Matt. 4:5-7. Luke 4:9-12.

To respect natural laws in his personal life.

Sec. 8. The Fourth Decision. Matt. 4:8-10. Luke 4:5-8.

  1. Refusal of superhuman methods of gaining attention.
  2. No political power.
  3. He was a first century mortal.

Sec. 9. The Fifth Decision. Not in New Testament.

  1. Would appear as the Prince of Peace.
  2. No material tests for spiritual problems.

Sec. 10. The Sixth Decision. Not in New Testament.

In all matters be subject to the Father’s will.


PAPER 137. Tarrying Time in Galilee.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Rejoins John Saturday, February 23, A.D. 26.

Sec. 1. Choosing the First Four Apostles. John 1:35-42. Matt. 4:18-22. Mark 1:16-20. Luke 5:1-11.

  1. Andrew leaves John the Baptist for Jesus.
  2. He brings Peter to Jesus.
  3. James and John looking for Jesus.

Sec. 2. Choosing Philip and Nathaniel. John 1:43-51.

  1. Jesus leaves John. February 24, A.D. 26.
  2. Calls Philip, then Nathaniel.
  3. Lodges with Joseph in Jesus’ old home.

Sec. 3. The Visit to Capernaum. Not in New Testament.

  1. Stops with Zebedee.
  2. Sends apostles on to Cana.
  3. Next day all go to Cana—wedding.
  4. Mary is overjoyed.

Sec. 4. The Wedding at Cana. John 2:1-11.

  1. Story of the water and the wine.
  2. Not a miracle.

Sec. 5. Back in Capernaum. Matt. 4:13-16. Luke 4:31. John 2:12.

  1. Jesus and the six leave Cana next day.
  2. Serious talks with the six.
  3. Jude believes on Jesus.

Sec. 6. The Events of a Sabbath Day. Not in New Testament.

  1. First public appearance March 2.
  2. Preaches in synagogue.
  3. Visits with James and Jude—and the apostles.

Sec. 7. Four Months of Training. Not in New Testament.

  1. James (brother) sits in on the teaching.
  2. Delay hard on them—especially Peter.
  3. The Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zealots, Herodians, and Nazarites.

Sec. 8. Sermon on the Kingdom. Not in New Testament.

  1. Last day at carpenter bench. June 18.
  2. Preparing for the preaching tour.
  3. Preaches on “The Kingdom.” June 22.


PAPER 138. Training the Kingdom’s Messengers.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. Tells apostles about his plans.
  2. Aloofness of his family.

Sec. 1. Final Instructions. Not in New Testament.

  1. June 23 gives final instructions.
  2. First tour—one of personal work.
  3. Tells them about 12 apostles.
  4. Tour lasts two weeks.

Sec. 2. Choosing the Six. Not in New Testament.


  1. Matthew Levi—by Andrew.
  2. Thomas Didymus—by Philip.
  3. James Alpheus—by James Zebedee.
  4. Judas Alpheus—by John Zebedee.
  5. Simon Zelotes—by Peter.
  6. Judas Iscariot—by Nathaniel.

Sec. 3. The Call of Matthew and Simon. Matt. 9:9-13. Mark 2:13-17. Luke 5:27-32.

  1. Lunch with Matthew. Call Simon.
  2. The evening banquet.
  3. Lodge with Matthew.

Sec. 4. The Call of the Twins. Not in New Testament.

Call the Alpheus twins at Kheresa.

Sec. 5. The Call of Thomas and Judas. Not in New Testament.

All return to the Zebedee home.

Sec. 6. The Week of Intensive Training. Not in New Testament.

  1. Six old apostles train six new.
  2. Establish midweek holiday.

Sec. 7. Another Disappointment. Not in New Testament.

  1. Peter restless to start.
  2. Jesus asks about money—families.
  3. Sends them back to fish—two weeks.

Sec. 8. First Work of the Twelve. Not in New Testament.

  1. What to preach—and what not.
  2. Jesus teaching in public by parables.
  3. Teaches apostles by questions and answers.

Sec. 9. Five Months of Testing. Not in New Testament.

His family (except Ruth) desert him.

Sec. 10. Organization of the Twelve. Not in New Testament.

  1. Each assigned a job.
  2. Ordained January 12, A.D. 27.


PAPER 139. The Twelve Apostles.

Not in New Testament, except as in Matt. 10:2-4. Mark 3:13-19. Luke 6:12-16.

PAPER 140. The Ordination of the Twelve.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sunday noon, January 12, A.D. 27.

Sec. 1. Preliminary Instruction. Not in New Testament.

The message of the kingdom.

Sec. 2. The Ordination. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Ordination Sermon. (Sermon on the Mount) Matt. Chapters 5-7.

Luke 6:20-49. So-called “Sermon on the Mount” is not the gospel of Jesus.

Sec. 4. You Are the Salt of the Earth.

  1. You are the light of the world.
  2. By their fruits you shall know them.

Sec. 5. Fatherly and Brotherly Love.

Review of the ordination charge.

Sec. 6. The Evening of the Ordination. Not in New Testament.

  1. Talk in the garden.
  2. The commandments. Matt. 5:21-48; 6:1-34; 7:1-29.
  3. The apostles ask questions.
  4. Jesus sends them to bed.

Sec. 7. The Week following the Ordination. Not in New Testament.

  1. Thomas requests delay.
  2. Crowds begin to assemble.
  3. The gospel.
  4. Peter and James: “We are ready.”

Sec. 8. Thursday Afternoon on the Lake. Not in New Testament.

What each apostle gained from the following discussions:

  1. Doing the Father’s will.
  2. Political attitude.
  3. Social attitude.
  4. Economic attitude.
  5. Personal religion.

Sec. 9. The Day of Consecration. Not in New Testament.

  1. Next Sabbath go back to mount of ordination.
  2. Jesus reviews ordination sermon.

Sec.10. The Evening after the Consecration. Not in New Testament.

  1. Apostles ask many questions.



PAPER 141. Beginning the Public Work.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Jesus weeps over family neglect.

Sec. 1. Leaving Galilee. Not in New Testament.

  1. Two weeks’ stop at Pella.
  2. Jesus did not preach.

Sec. 2. God’s Law and the Father’s Will. Not in New Testament.

More about the kingdom.

Sec. 3. The Sojourn at Amathus. Not in New Testament.

  1. Preach and do personal work.
  2. Andrew gets apostles organized.
  3. Unfortunate pictures of Jesus.

Sec. 4. Teaching about the Father. Not in New Testament.

Different kinds of human illness.

Sec. 5. Spiritual Unity. Not in New Testament.

Jesus’ discourse to the twelve on unity.

Sec. 6. Last Week at Amathus. Not in New Testament.

  1. Teherma—the Persian.
  2. Simon Zelotes—lesson.

Sec. 7. At Bethany beyond Jordan. John 3:22-24 (?)

  1. Teaching for four weeks.
  2. Expands the gospel teaching.

Sec. 8. Working in Jericho. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 9. Departing for Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

  1. John’s disciples remain at Bethany.
  2. Jesus and the twelve go to Jerusalem.
  3. April 6 all are at Jerusalem, first time.


PAPER 142. The Passover at Jerusalem.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Jesus calls on Annas.

Sec. 1. Teaching in the Temple. Not in New Testament.

Burden of their messages.

Sec. 2. God’s Wrath. Not in New Testament.

  1. Secret meeting at home of Flavius.
  2. Jacob’s question.

Sec. 3. The Concept of God. Not in New Testament.

  1. Growth of the God idea.
    1. Yahweh.
    2. The Most High.
    3. El Shaddai.
    4. Elohim.
    5. The Supreme Yahweh.
    6. The Father in Heaven.
  2. The apostles are shocked.
  3. The first ten commandments.

Sec. 4. Flavius and Greek Culture. Not in New Testament.

Surprised at Jesus’ interest in art.

Sec. 5. Discourse on Assurance. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Visit with Nicodemus. John 2:23-3:21.

  1. At the home of Flavius.
  2. The new birth.

Sec. 7. The Lesson on the Family. Not in New Testament.

  1. Wednesday at Bethany.
  2. Seven foundations of the family.

Sec. 8. In Southern Judea. Not in New Testament.

  1. Hostility drives them south.
  2. Jesus and Abner visit Engedi.


PAPER 143. Going through Samaria.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Preaching through Samaria.

Sec. 1. Preaching at Archelais. Not in New Testament.

  1. Headquarters here.
  2. Greeks ridicule their teaching.

Sec. 2. Lesson on Self-mastery. Not in New Testament.

Expanded teaching.

Sec. 3. Diversion and Relaxation. Not in New Testament.

  1. Tension develops.
  2. Take a vacation.

Sec. 4. The Jews and the Samaritans. Not in New Testament.

History and antagonisms.

Sec. 5. The Woman of Sychar. John 4:4-26.

  1. Jesus waiting at the well.
  2. Talks with Nalda.
  3. The apostles arrive.
  4. Nalda returns to the city.
  5. She tells story to John next day.

Sec. 6. The Samaritan Revival. John 4:27-42.

  1. Preach two days in Sychar.
  2. Establish camp on Mount Gerizim.
  3. Remain until end of August.

Sec. 7. Teachings about Prayer and Worship. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 144. At Gilboa and in the Decapolis.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

September and October retirement at Gilboa camp.

Sec. 1. The Gilboa Encampment. Not in New Testament.

Three reasons for the retirement:

1. Better understanding of the kingdom.

2. Allow opposition to subside.

3. Await fate of John the Baptist.


Sec. 2. The Discourse on Prayer. Luke 11:1-13.

  1. Lend me three loaves.
  2. Father and child.
  3. The unjust judge. Luke 18:1-8.

Sec. 3. The Believer’s Prayer. Matt. 6:9-13. Luke 11:2-4.

Sec. 4. More about Prayer. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Other Forms of Prayer. Not in New Testament.

Prayers from other worlds.

Sec. 6. Conference with John’s Apostles. Not in New Testament.

  1. Conference lasted three weeks.
  2. Abner and his apostles present.
  3. Jesus left them for two weeks.
  4. They agree on many problems.

Sec. 7. In the Decapolis Cities. Not in New Testament.

  1. November and December in the Greek cities.
  2. John’s apostles baptized; Jesus’ apostles taught.

Sec. 8. In Camp near Pella.

Last message from John. Matt. 11:2-30. Luke 7:18-35. (This is also noted in Paper 135.)

Sec. 9. Death of John the Baptist. Matt. 14:1-12. Mark 6:14-29. Luke 9:7-9.

  1. John died January 10, A.D. 28.
  2. January 13 Jesus and the twelve go to Capernaum.


PAPER 145. Four Eventful Days at Capernaum.

Intro. Matt. 4:12-17. Mark 1:14,15. Luke 4:14,15. John 4:43-45.

  1. Headquarters: Zebedee’s home.
  2. Visit with his sister Ruth.

Sec. 1. The Draught of Fishes. Luke 5:1-11.

This was not a miracle.

Sec. 2. Afternoon at the Synagogue.

  1. Religion as a personal experience.
  2. Heals an epileptic. Mark 1:21-28. Luke 4:31-37.
  3. Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. Matt. 8:14,15. Mark 1:29-31. Luke 4:38,39.

Sec. 3. The Healing at Sundown. Matt. 8:16,17. Mark 1:32-34. Luke 4:40,41.

The story of the sundown healing.

Sec. 4. The Evening After. Not in New Testament.

The withdrawal of Jesus.

Sec. 5. Early Sunday Morning. Not in New Testament.

James and Jude miss seeing Jesus.



PAPER 146. First Preaching Tour of Galilee.

Intro. Matt. 4:23. Mark 1:35-39. Luke 4:42-44.

  1. Begins January 18, A.D. 28.
  2. Told to stay away from Nazareth.

Sec. 1. Preaching at Rimmon. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. At Jotapata. Not in New Testament.

Discourse on prayer.

Sec. 3. The Stop at Ramah. Not in New Testament.

Secret of assurance.

Sec. 4. The Gospel at Iron.

Healing the leper. Matt. 8:1-4. Mark 1:40-45. Luke 5:12-16.

Sec. 5. Back in Cana.

The nobleman’s son. John 4:46-54.

Sec. 6. Nain and the Widow’s Son. Luke 7:11-17.

Sec. 7. At Endor. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 147. The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Centurion’s Servant. Matt. 8:5-13. Luke 7:1-10.

Sec. 2. The Journey to Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

Bloodless Passover at Bethany.

Sec. 3. At the Pool of Bethesda. John Chapter 5.

Sec. 4. The Rule of Living. Not in New Testament.

Nathaniel and the golden rule.

Sec. 5. Visiting Simon the Pharisee. Luke 7:36-50.

Talk on the relative status with God.

Sec. 6. Returning to Capernaum.

Plucking grain on Sabbath. Matt. 12:1-8. Mark 2:23-28. Luke 6:1-5.

Sec. 7. Back in Capernaum.

Resumes teaching the apostles. Matt. 9:14-17. Mark 2:18-22. Luke 5:33-38.

Sec. 8. The Feast of Spiritual Goodness. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 148. Training Evangelists at Bethsaida.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. May 3 to October 3, A.D. 28.
  2. Peter was in charge.
  3. David ran a large tent city.

Sec. 1. A New School of the Prophets. Not in New Testament.

More than 100 trained.

Sec. 2. The Bethsaida Hospital. Not in New Testament.

Elman in charge.

Sec. 3. The Father’s Business. Not in New Testament.

Jesus has many solitary seasons.

Sec. 4. Evil, Sin, and Iniquity. Not in New Testament.

The nature of man.

Sec. 5. The Purpose of Affliction. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Misunderstanding of Suffering. Not in New Testament.

  1. Discourse on Job.
  2. Eliphaz talks to Job.
  3. Bildad exhorts Job.
  4. Zophar gives advice.
  5. The second session begins.

Sec. 7. The Man with the Withered Hand. Matt. 12:9-14. Mark 3:1-6. Luke 6:6-11.

First miracle by challenge of his enemies.

Sec. 8. Last Week at Bethsaida. Not in New Testament.

Kirmeth—trance medium from Bagdad.

Sec. 9. Healing the Paralytic. Matt. 9:1-8. Mark 2:1-12. Luke 5:17-26.

  1. Letting him down through the roof.
  2. Messengers arrive to bid six spies return.
  3. Three are baptized.


PAPER 149. The Second Preaching Tour.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. Starts October 3, A. D. 28. Ends December 30.
  2. James gives charge to new evangelists.
  3. James and John remain with Jesus.
  4. David Zebedee—headquarters at father’s home.

Sec. 1. The Widespread Fame of Jesus. Matt. 4:23-25; 12:15-21. Mark 3:7-12. Luke 6:17-19.

  1. Unintended healing phenomenon.
  2. Explanation of many miracles.

Sec. 2. Attitude of the People. Not in New Testament.

  1. Two mistakes of early Christianity.
  2. Attitude toward women.
  3. His attractive personality.

Sec. 3. Hostility of the Religious Leaders. Not in New Testament.

Conversions alarm leaders.

Sec. 4. Progress of the Preaching Tour. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Lesson regarding Contentment. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The “Fear of the Lord.” Not in New Testament.

Sec. 7. Returning to Bethsaida. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 150. The Third Preaching Tour.

Intro. Matt. 9:35. Mark 6:6.

  1. January 16, A.D. 29. Abner, from Hebron, in counsel.
  2. Anointing the sick.
  3. January 18, 75 evangelists join them.
  4. Evangelists go out in groups of five.
  5. Jesus and the twelve together most of the time.

Sec. 1. The Women’s Evangelistic Corps. Luke 8:1-3.

Ten selected women—later two more.

Sec. 2. The Stop at Magdala. Not in New Testament.

Women’s corps in action.

Sec. 3. Sabbath at Tiberias. Not in New Testament.

Discourse on superstition.

Sec. 4. Sending the Apostles Out Two and Two. Matt. 9:36-11:1. Mark 6:7-13. Luke 9:1-6; 12:2-9.

The two sparrows. Matt. 10:29-31. Luke 12:6,7.

Sec. 5. What Must I Do to be Saved? Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Evening Lessons. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 7. The Sojourn at Nazareth. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 8. The Sabbath Service. Matt. 13:54-58. Mark 6:1-6. Luke 4:16-30.

Sec. 9. The Nazareth Rejection. See references for Sec. 8.

(The Bible lists two Nazareth rejections. The first rejection is told in Luke 4:16-30 and follows the Urantia story very closely. The second rejection is told in Matt. 13:54-58 and Mark 6:1-6, and is very abbreviated. Luke’s story is correct, but he placed it so early in Jesus’ career as to make it seem like another episode. It really belongs in the third preaching tour.)



PAPER 151. Tarrying and Teaching by the Seaside.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Mission of adversity.

Sec. 1. The Parable of the Sower. Matt. 13:1-17. Mark 4:1-12. Luke 8:4-10.

Sec. 2. Interpretation of the Parable. Matt. 13:18-23. Mark 4:13-20. Luke 8:11-15.

Sec. 3. More about Parables. Mark 4:21-25. Luke 8:16-18.

Sec. 4. More Parables by the Sea. Matt. 13:24-53. Mark 4:26-32. Luke 13:18-21.

  1. Good seed in the field.
  2. Mustard seed. Leaven.
  3. Hidden treasure.
  4. Pearls. Sweep net.

Sec. 5. The Visit to Kheresa. Matt. 8:18,23-27. Mark 4:35-41. Luke 8:22-25.

The tempest.

Sec. 6. The Kheresa Lunatic. Matt. 8:28-34. Mark 5:1-20. Luke 8:26-39.

  1. The herd of swine.
  2. Amos wanted to go with Jesus.


Paper 152. Events Leading Up to the Capernaum Crisis.

Intro. Going to Jairus’s daughter. Matt. 9:1,18,19. Mark 5:21-24 . Luke 8:40-42.

The woman with hemorrhage. Matt. 9:20-22. Mark 5:25-34. Luke 8:43-48.

Sec. 1. At Jairus’s House. Matt. 9:23-26. Mark 5:35-43. Luke 8:49-56.

Two blind men and dumb boy. Matt. 9:27-34.

Sec. 2. Feeding the Five Thousand. Matt. 14:13-21. Mark 6:30-44. Luke 9:10-17. John 6:1-13.

(Feeding the four thousand is not in the Urantia Book.)

Sec. 3. The King-making Episode. John 6:14,15.

Sec. 4. Simon Peter’s Night Vision. Matt. 14:22-33. Mark 6:45-52. John 6:16-21.

Sec. 5. Back in Bethsaida. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. At Gennesaret. Matt. 14:34-36. Mark 6:53-55.

Sec. 7. At Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

  1. Started April 3.
  2. Left Jerusalem April 24.


PAPER 153. The Crisis at Capernaum.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Setting of the Stage. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Epochal Sermon. John 6:22-51.

The bread of life.

Sec. 3. The After Meeting.

Flesh and blood. John 6:52-71.

Eating with unwashed hands. Matt. 15:1-20. Mark 7:1-23.

Sec. 4. Last Words in the Synagogue.

Healing the distraught youth. Matt. 12:22-45. Mark 3:20-30. Luke 11:14-23.

Sec. 5. The Saturday Evening. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 154. Last Days at Capernaum.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

  1. Pharisees in council with Herod.
  2. Chuza sets Herod straight.

Sec. 1. A Week of Counsel. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. A Week of Rest. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Second Tiberias Conference. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Saturday Night in Capernaum. Not in New Testament.

“What shall we do with Jesus?”

Sec. 5. The Eventful Sunday Morning. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. Jesus’ Family Arrives. Matt. 12:46-50. Mark 3:31-35. Luke 8:19-21.

Sec. 7. The Hasty Flight. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 155. Fleeing through Northern Galilee.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Why Do the Heathen Rage? Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Evangelists in Chorazin. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. At Caesarea-Philippi. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. On the Way to Phoenicia. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. The Discourse on True Religion. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Second Discourse on Religion. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 156. The Sojourn at Tyre and Sidon.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Syrian Woman. Matt. 15:21-28. Mark 7:24-30.

Sec. 2. Teaching in Sidon. Not in New Testament.

Spiritual progression.

Sec. 3. The Journey up the Coast. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. At Tyre. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Jesus’ Teaching at Tyre. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Return from Phoenicia. Not in New Testament.


PAPER 157. At Caesarea-Philippi.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Visit with his family frustrated.

Sec. 1. The Temple-tax Collector. Matt. 17:24-27.

Story of the fish and the shekel.

Sec. 2. At Bethsaida-Julias.

Pharisees seek a sign. Matt. 15:39-16:12. Mark 8:10-21.

Sec. 3. Peter’s Confession. Matt. 16:13-17. Mark 8:27-30. Luke 9:18-21.

Sec. 4. The Talk about the Kingdom. Matt. 16:18-20.

Sec. 5. The New Concept. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Next Afternoon. Scattered New Testament references.

Enters fourth stage of life.

Sec. 7. Andrew’s Conference. Not in New Testament.

Tells fears about Judas.


PAPER 158. The Mount of Transfiguration.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

August 12, A.D. 29. Takes Peter, James, and John.

Sec. 1. The Transfiguration. Matt. 17:1-8. Mark 9:2-8. Luke 9:28-36.

Sec. 2. Coming Down the Mountain. Matt. 17:9-13. Mark 9:9-13.

Sec. 3. Meaning of the Transfiguration. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. The Epileptic Boy. Matt. 17:14-20. Mark 9:14-29. Luke 9:37-43.

Sec. 5. Jesus Heals the Boy. See references for Sec. 4.

Sec. 6. In Celsus’ Garden. Not in New Testament.

Who shall be greatest?

Sec. 7. Peter’s Protest. Matt. 16:21-28. Mark 8:31-9:1. Luke 9:22-27.

Sec. 8. At Peter’s House. Matt. 18:1-10. Mark 9:33-37; 42-47. Luke 9:46-48.

Causing little ones to stumble. Luke 17:1,2.


PAPER 159. The Decapolis Tour.

Intro. Mark 7:31.

Sec. 1. The Sermon on Forgiveness.

  1. The lost sheep. Matt. 18:12-14. Luke 15:3-7.
  2. When your brother sins against you. Matt. 18:15-20.
  3. Ungrateful steward. Matt. 18:21-35.

Sec. 2. The Strange Preacher. Mark 9:38-41. Luke 9:49,50.

Sec. 3. Instruction for Teachers and Believers. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. The Talk with Nathaniel. Not in New Testament.

Concerning the Scriptures.

Sec. 5. The Positive Nature of Jesus’ Religion. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Return to Magadan. Not in New Testament.


PAPER 160. Rodan of Alexandria.

Intro. This paper is not in the New Testament.

Sec. 1. Rodan’s Greek Philosophy.

Sec. 2. The Art of Living.

Sec. 3. The Lures of Maturity.

Sec. 4. The Balance of Maturity.

Sec. 5. The Religion of the Ideal.

PAPER 161. Further Discussions with Rodan.

Intro. This paper is not in the New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Personality of God.

Sec. 2. The Divine Nature of Jesus.

Sec. 3. Jesus’ Human and Divine Minds.

PAPER 162. At the Feast of Tabernacles.

Intro. Calling fire down from heaven. Luke 9:51-5

Sec. 1. The Dangers of the Visit to Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The First Temple Talk. John 7:1-36.

Sec. 3. The Woman Taken in Adultery. John 7:53-8:11.

Sec. 4. The Feast of Tabernacles. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Sermon on the Light of the World. John 8:12-30.

Sec. 6. Discourse on the Water of Life. John 7:37-44.

Sec. 7. The Discourse on Spiritual Freedom. John 8:31-59.

Sec. 8. The Visit with Martha and Mary. Luke 10:38-42.

Sec. 9. At Bethleham with Abner. Not in New Testament.

(Possibly confused with John 11:47-54.)

PAPER 163. Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan.

Intro. Not in New Testament. Abner and fifty arrive from Bethlehem.

Sec. 1. Ordination of the Seventy. Luke 10:1-12,16.

Sec. 2. The Rich Young Man and Others. Matt. 19:16-22. Mark 10:17-22. Luke 18:18-23.

Sec. 3. The Discussion about Wealth. Matt. 19:23-30; 20:1-16. Mark 10:23-31. Luke 18:24-30.

Sec. 4. Farewell to the Seventy. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Moving the Camp to Pella. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. The Return of the Seventy. Luke 10:17-24; 10:13-15.

Sec. 7. Preparation for the Last Mission. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 164. At the Feast of Dedication.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Story of the Good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37.

Sec. 2. At Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. Healing the Blind Beggar. John Chapter 9.

Sec. 4. Josiah before the Sanhedrin. See reference for Sec. 3.

Sec. 5. Teaching in Solomon’s Porch. John 10:22-42.


PAPER 165. The Perean Mission Begins.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. At the Pella Camp. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Sermon on the Good Shepherd. John 10:1-21.

Sec. 3. Sabbath Sermon at Pella. Luke 12:1-12.

Trust in God.

Sec. 4. Dividing the Inheritance. Luke 12:13-15.

  1. The foolish rich man. Luke 12:16-21.
  2. Discussion of wealth.

Sec. 5. Talks to the Apostles on Wealth. Luke 12:22-40.

Sec. 6. Answer to Peter’s Question. Luke 12:41-53.

PAPER 166. Last Visit to Northern Perea.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Pharisees at Ragaba. Matt. 23:1-27. Luke 11:37-54.

Sec. 2. The Ten Lepers. Luke 17:11-19.

Sec. 3. Sermon at Gerasa. Luke 13:22-30.

Sec. 4. Teaching about Accidents. Luke 13:1-9.

Sec. 5. The Congregation at Philadelphia. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 167. The Visit to Philadelphia.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Breakfast with the Pharisees. Luke 14:1-14.

Sec. 2. Parable of the Great Supper. Luke 14:15-24.

Sec. 3. The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity. Luke 13:10-17.

Sec. 4. The Message from Bethany. John 11:1-16.

Sec. 5. On the Way to Bethany.

  1. Publican and Pharisee. Luke 18:9-14.
  2. At Jericho—marriage and divorce. Matt. 19:3-12. Mark 10:2-12.

Sec. 6. Blessing the Little Children. Matt. 19:13-15. Mark 10:13-16. Luke 18:15-17.

Sec. 7. Talk about Angels. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 168. The Resurrection of Lazarus.

Intro. Arriving at Bethany. John 11:17-33.

Sec. 1. At the Tomb of Lazarus. John 11:34-40.

Sec. 2. The Resurrection of Lazarus. John 11:41-46.

Sec. 3. Meeting of the Sanhedrin. John 11:47-54.

Sec. 4. The Answer to Prayer. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. What Became of Lazarus. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 169. Last Teaching at Pella.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Parable of the Lost Son.

  1. The lost sheep. Luke 15:1-7.
  2. Ten pieces of silver. Luke 15:8-10.
  3. The lost son. Luke 15:11-32.

Sec. 2. Parable of the Shrewd Steward. Luke 16:1-13.

Sec. 3. The Rich Man and the Beggar. Luke 16:19-31.

Sec. 4. The Father and His Kingdom. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 170. The Kingdom of Heaven.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Concepts of the Kingdom of Heaven. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Jesus’ Concept of the Kingdom. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. In Relation to Righteousness. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Jesus’ Teaching about the Kingdom. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Later Ideas of the Kingdom. Not in New Testament.


PAPER 171. On the Way to Jerusalem.

Intro. Comments on “The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Ambition of James and John. Matt. 20:20-28. Mark 10:35-45.

Sec. 1. The Departure from Pella. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. On Counting the Cost. Luke 14:25-35.

Sec. 3. The Perean Tour. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Teaching at Livias.

  1. Predicts his death. Matt. 20:17-19. Mark 10:32-34. Luke 18:31-34. (Compare with a former prediction. Matt. 17:22,23. Mark 9:30-32. Luke 9:43-45.)
  2. Warning against Herod. Luke 13:31-35.

Sec. 5. The Blind Man at Jericho. Matt. 20:29-34. Mark 10:46-52. Luke 18:35-43.

Sec. 6. The Visit to Zaccheus. Luke 19:1-10.

Sec. 7. “As Jesus Passed By.” Not in New Testament.

Sec. 8. Parable of the Pounds. Luke 19:11-28.

PAPER 172. Going into Jerusalem.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Sabbath at Bethany. Matt. 26:6-13. Mark 14:3-9. John 11:55-12:11. Mary anoints Jesus.

Sec. 2. Sunday Morning with the Apostles. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Start for Jerusalem. Matt. 21:1-11. Mark 11:1-10. Luke 19:29-44. John 12:12-19.

Sec. 4. Visiting about the Temple. Mark 12:41-44. Luke 21:1-4.

Sec. 5. The Apostles’ Attitude. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 173. Monday in Jerusalem.

Intro. Not in New Testament. Judas is confused.

Sec. 1. Cleansing the Temple. Matt. 21:12-17. Mark 11:15-19. Luke 19:45-48. John 2:13-17. (The Bible lists two cleansings of the temple. The story in John agrees with the Urantia Book, but John has placed it so early in Jesus’ career that Bible authorities call it a separate episode from the one reported by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, who have placed it in the proper time segment—the last week of Jesus’ life.)

Sec. 2. Challenging the Master’s Authority. Matt. 21:23-27. Mark 11:27-33. Luke 20:1-8. John’s baptism.

Sec. 3. Parable of the Two Sons. Matt. 21:28-32.

Sec. 4. Parable of the Absent Landlord. Matt. 21:33-46. Mark 12:1-12. Luke 20:9-19.

Sec. 5. Parable of the Marriage Feast. Matt. 22:1-14. “Destroy this temple” (his body). John 2:18-22.

PAPER 174. Tuesday Morning in the Temple.

Intro. Individual greetings. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Divine Forgiveness. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Questions by the Jewish Rulers. Matt. 22:15-22. Mark 12:13-17. Luke 20:20-26. Tribute to Caesar.

Sec. 3. The Sadducees and the Resurrection. Matt. 22:23-33. Mark 12:18-27. Luke 20:27-40.

Sec. 4. The Great Commandment. Matt. 22:34-46. Mark 12:28-37. Luke 20:41-44.

Sec. 5. The Inquiring Greeks. John 12:20-36.

PAPER 175. The Last Temple Discourse.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Discourse. Matt. Chapter 23. Mark 12:38-40. Luke 20:45-47.

Sec. 2. Status of Individual Jews. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Fateful Sanhedrin Meeting. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. The Situation in Jerusalem. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 176. Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet.

Intro. Destruction of the temple. Matt. 24:1,2. Mark 13:1,2. Luke 21:5,6.

Sec. 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem. Matt. 24:3-28. Mark 13:3-23. Luke 21:7-24.

Sec. 2. The Master’s Second Coming. Matt. 24:29-44. Mark 13:24-37. Luke 21:25-36.

Sec. 3. Later Discussion at the Camp. Parable of the talents. Matt. 25:14-30.

Sec. 4. The Return of Michael. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 177. Wednesday, the Rest Day.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. One Day Alone with God. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Early Home Life. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Day at Camp. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Judas and the Chief Priests. Matt. 26:1-5, 14-16. Mark 14:1,2,10,11. Luke 22:1-6.

Sec. 5. The Last Social Hour. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 178. Last Day at the Camp.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. After the Noontime Meal. Matt. 26:17-19. Mark 14:12-16. Luke 22:7-13.

Sec. 3. On the Way to the Supper. Not in New Testament.


PAPER 179. The Last Supper.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Desire for Preference. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Beginning the Supper. Matt. 26:20. Mark 14:17. Luke 22:14-18.

Sec. 3. Washing the Apostles’ Feet. John 13:1-20. Luke 22:24-30.

Sec. 4. Last Words to the Betrayer. Matt. 26:21-25. Mark 14:18-21. Luke 22:21-23. John 13:21-30.

Sec. 5. Establishing the Remembrance Supper. Matt. 26:26-30. Mark 14:22-26. Luke 22:19,20.

PAPER 180. The Farewell Discourse.

Intro. Luke 22:35,36. John 13:31-33.

Sec. 1. The New Commandment. John 13:34,35.

The remaining sections of this discourse are found in John 14:1-16:28.

Sec. 2. The Vine and the Branches.

Sec. 3. Enmity of the World.

Sec. 4. The Promised Helper.

Sec. 5. The Spirit of Truth.

Sec. 6. The Necessity for Leaving.

PAPER 181. Final Admonitions and Warnings.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Last Words of Comfort. John 16:29-33.

Sec. 2. Farewell Personal Admonitions. Not in New Testament, except the prediction of Peter’s denial as follows: Matt. 26:31-35. Mark 14:27-31. Luke 22:31-34. John 13:36-38.


PAPER 182. In Gethsemane.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Last Group Prayer. John Chapter 17.

Sec. 2. Last Hour before the Betrayal. Not in New Testament.

  1. Message to Abner.
  2. David and John Mark on guard.

Sec. 3. Alone in Gethsemane. Matt. 26:36-46. Mark 14:32-42. Luke 22:39-46. John 18:1.

PAPER 183. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Father’s Will. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Judas in the City. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Master’s Arrest. Matt. 26:47-56. Mark 14:43-52. Luke 22:47-53. John 18:1-12.

Sec. 4. Discussion at the Olive Press. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. On the Way to the High Priest’s Palace. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 184. Before the Sanhedrin Court.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Examination by Annas. John 18:12-14; 19-24.

Sec. 2. Peter in the Courtyard. Matt. 26:58, 69-75. Mark 14:53,54; 66-72. Luke 22:54-62. John 18:15-18;25-27.

Sec. 3. Before the Court of Sanhedrists. Matt. 26:59-66. Mark 14:55-64. Luke 22:54.

Sec. 4. The Hour of Humiliation. Matt. 26:67,68. Mark 14:65. Luke 22:63-65.

Sec. 5. The Second Meeting of the Court. Mark 15:1. Luke 22:66-71.

PAPER 185. The Trial before Pilate.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Pontius Pilate. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Jesus Appears before Pilate. Matt. 27:1,2;11-14. Mark 15:1-5. Luke 23:1-3. John 18:28-32.

Sec. 3. The Private Examination by Pilate. Luke 23:4-7. John 18:33-38.

Sec. 4. Jesus before Herod. Luke 23:8-12.

Sec. 5. Jesus Returns to Pilate. Matt. 27:15-23. Mark 15:6-15. Luke 23:13-23. John 18:39,40.

Sec. 6. Pilate’s Last Appeal. Matt. 27:27-31. Mark 15:16-19. John 19:1-8.

Sec. 7. Pilate’s Last Interview. John 19:9-15.

Sec. 8. Pilate’s Tragic Surrender. Matt. 27:24-26. Luke 23:24,25. John 19:16.

PAPER 186. Just before the Crucifixion.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The End of Judas Iscariot. Matt. 27:3-10.

Sec. 2. The Master’s Attitude. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Dependable David Zebedee. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Preparation for the Crucifixion. Matt. 27:31. Mark 15:20.

Sec. 5. Jesus’ Death in Relation to the Passover. Not in New Testament.


PAPER 187. The Crucifixion.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. On the Way to Golgotha. Matt. 27:32. Mark 15:21. Luke 23:26-32. John 19:17.

Sec. 2. The Crucifixion. Matt. 27:33-38. Mark 15:22-27. Luke 23:33,34. John 19:18-24.

Sec. 3. Those Who Saw the Crucifixion. Matt. 27:39-44,55,56. Mark 15:29-32,40,41. Luke 23:35-38. John 19:25.

Sec. 4. The Thief on the Cross. Luke 23:39-43. John put in charge of Jesus’ mother. John 19:26,27.

Sec. 5. Last Hour on the Cross. Matt. 27:45-54. Mark 15:33-39. Luke 23:44-49. John 19:28-37.

Sec. 6. After the Crucifixion. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 188. The Time of the Tomb.

Intro. Matt. 27:57,58. Mark 15:42-45. Luke 23:50-52. John 19:38.

Sec. 1. The Burial of Jesus. Matt. 27:59-61. Mark 15:46,47. Luke 23:53-56. John 19:39-42.

Sec. 2. Safeguarding the Tomb. Matt. 27:62-66.

Sec. 3. During the Sabbath Day. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Meaning of the Death on the Cross. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Lessons from the Cross. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 189. The Resurrection.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Morontia Transit. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Material Body of Jesus. Matt. 28:2-4; 11-15.

Sec. 3. The Dispensational Resurrection. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Discovery of the Empty Tomb. Matt. 28:1-10. Mark 16:1-11. Luke 24:1-11. John 20:1,2,11-18.

Sec. 5. Peter and John at the Tomb. Luke 24:12. John 20:3-10.


PAPER 190. Morontia Appearances of Jesus.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Heralds of the Resurrection. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. Jesus’ Appearance at Bethany. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. At the Home of Joseph. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Appearance to the Greeks. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. The Walk with Two Brothers. Mark 16:12,13. Luke 24:13-35.

PAPER 191. Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Appearance to Peter. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. First Appearance to the Apostles. Mark 16:14. Luke 24:36-40. John 20:19-23.

Sec. 3. With the Morontia Creatures. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. The Tenth Appearance (at Philadelphia). Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. Second Appearance to the Apostles. John 20:24-29.

Sec. 6. The Alexandrian Appearance. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 192. Appearances in Galilee.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Appearance by the Lake. John 21:1-14.

Sec. 2. Visiting with the Apostles Two and Two. John 21:15-24.

Sec. 3. On the Mount of Ordination. Matt. 28:16-20.

Sec. 4. The Lakeside Gathering. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 193. Final Appearances and Ascension.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. The Appearance at Sychar. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Phoenician Appearance. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. Last Appearance in Jerusalem. Luke 24:44-49.

Sec. 4. Causes of Judas’s Downfall. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. The Master’s Ascension. Mark 16:19,20. Luke 24:50-53.

Sec. 6. Peter Calls a Meeting. Acts 1:12-26.


PAPER 194. Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth.

Intro. Acts 2:1-4.

Sec. 1. The Pentecost Sermon. Acts 2:5-42.

Sec. 2. The Significance of Pentecost. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. What Happened at Pentecost. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. Beginnings of the Christian Church. Not in New Testament.

Stephen’s death. Acts 7:54-60.


PAPER 195. After Pentecost.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Influence of the Greeks. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Roman Influence. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. Under the Roman Empire. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 4. The European Dark Ages. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 5. The Modern Problem. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 6. Materialism. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 7. The Vulnerability of Materialism. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 8. Secular Totalitarianism. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 9. Christianity’s Problem. Not in New Testament.

Sec.10. The Future. Not in New Testament.

PAPER 196. The Faith of Jesus.

Intro. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 1. Jesus—the Man. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 2. The Religion of Jesus. Not in New Testament.

Sec. 3. The Supremacy of Religion. Not in New Testament.+


  1. The Prologue to Gospel of John. John 1:1-18.
  2. Preface to Luke’s Gospel. Luke 1:1-4.
  3. The Genealogies of Jesus. Matt. 1:1-17. Luke 3:23-38.
  4. First Cleansing of the Temple. See Page 49 for explanation.
  5. First Nazareth Rejection. See Page 38 for explanation.
  6. Feeding the Four Thousand. Matt. 15:32-38. Mark 8:1-9.
  7. The Bethsaida Blind Man. Mark 8:22-26.
  8. Forgiveness and Faith. Luke 17:1-10.
  9. Cursing the Fig Tree. Matt. 21:18,19. Mark 11:12-14.
  10. Withered Fig Tree. Matt. 21:20-22. Mark 11:20-25.
  11. The Foolish Virgins. Matt. 25:1-13.
  12. The Last Judgment. Matt. 25:31-46.
  13. Serpents and Deadly Poisons. Mark 16:15-18.




  1. It took one thousand years to assemble the 39 books which make up the Old Testament.
  2. The Old Testament Canon was established at a meeting of rabbis at Jamnia in A.D. 90.
  3. All writings of later date than Ezra and Nehemiah were rejected.
  4. Christian usage of Old Testament scriptures constrained the Jews to close the Old Testament Canon.
  5. The rejected writings were divided into two classes:
    1. The Apocrypha.
    2. The Apocalypse.

B. OLD TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA (Hidden or spurious)


Decline and fall of Judah from the time of Josiah. Overthrow of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile. The return under Ezra—reorganization of the Jewish state. Persian kings rebuild the temple. Ezra’s war on mixed marriages.


The Lord’s anger against Israel—the end of the age. Ezra’s seven visions of judgment and retribution, including the vision of women. Prophecies of war and calamity. Rule of the Messiah for 400 years.


The blind Tobit, a captive in Nineveh, sends his son Tobias to collect a debt in Media. Tobias marries the seven times widowed virgin, and by fish gall dispatches the demon who had killed her husbands. Collects the debt, returns, and the father’s sight is restored. Tobias left Nineveh before it was destroyed.


Holophernes, an Assyrian general, acting for Nebuchadnezzar, besieged Bethulia. Judith, a pious Jewish widow, enters his camp, and while he is in a drunken stupor, beheads him, taking his head back to the Jewish camp. The Assyrian army is dispersed.


Has to do with Esther at the court of Artaxerxes and Mardocheus’ dream. Discussion of Mordecai’s dream. The king’s edict in favor of the Jews.


Contrasts the righteous and the ungodly. The rewards of pleasure and salvation. The attainments of wisdom—the gift of God. Heroes of wisdom from Adam to Moses—contrasted with the wicked. Israelites contrasted with Egyptians.


(Wisdom of Jesus the Son of SIRACH)

One of the best of the Old Testament Apocrypha—compares with Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Resignation and humility. How to get wisdom. Kindness and self-control. The wise and the foolish. Sins of the rich. Training children. Dreams and travel. Higher education. Despite misery, poverty is best. Fathers worry about daughters. Olden fathers from Adam to Nehemiah. Denunciation of the gentiles. Giving thanks to the Lord. Good and bad wives. Table manners. Mourning. Doxology.

8. BARUCH—secretary to Jeremiah

Repentance of Jews after destruction of Jerusalem. Praise of wisdom. Promise of return from Babylonian exile.


A sarcastic denunciation of the folly of idolatry.


(The Prayer of Azariah)

Inserted in the Third Chapter of Daniel. The song of the three youths in the fiery furnace.


Susanna, wife of wealthy Jewish exile, repulses advances of two Jewish elders. They accuse her of adultery and she is condemned to death. Daniel convicted the elders of false testimony—she was vindicated and they were executed.


Daniel traps the priests of Bel by ashes on temple floor—showing they ate the food, not Bel. Daniel poisons the Dragon and is cast into the lion’s den. Habakkuk was flown from Judea by angels to bring him his dinner. Eventually Daniel was delivered.


A penitential psalm composed to go along with 2 Chron. 33:11-13.


First and Second Maccabees present reliable history. The Maccabees are in reality the Hasmonaean family. They won independence for the Jews from 166 to 63 B.C.

  1. Judas Maccabeus was one of five sons of the priest Mattathais.
  2. He rebelled against Antiochus Epiphanes (IV), King of Syria.
  3. Antiochus defiled the temple at Jerusalem. (See Dan. 11:31)
  4. After killing a would-be Syrian priest, Mattathias and his five sons fled to the hills.
  5. Judas, by guerrilla warfare, defeated the Syrians, entered Jerusalem and re-established the temple service. (The Feast of Dedication—see John 10:22)
  6. Fighting on for political independence, Judas died in battle. His younger brother took over, but was later killed by a Syrian general.
  7. Then Simon, the last son, took charge. He made a treaty of peace with Syria.
  8. In 134 B.C. Simon and two sons were murdered by his son-inlaw.
  9. The third son, John Hyrcanus, took over. He brought the Jews to the height of their power.
  10. John was succeeded by his son, Aristobulus, who murdered his mother and a brother, and imprisoned three other brothers.
  11. Alexandra—the widow—married one of the brothers. Wars went on, and the struggle between the Pharisees and the Sadducees began.
  12. Next, Alexandra takes the throne, and was succeeded by her son, Aristobulus II.
  13. Internal troubles brought Rome into the picture. In 63 B.C. the dynasty ended. Rome took over.
  14. Herod the Great marries Marianne, granddaughter of Hyrcanus II. She was a beautiful woman. Herod murdered her and her sons.
  15. First Maccabees covers 40 years, from the beginning of Antiochus to the death of Simon.

Second Maccabees covers the remainder of the dynasty. Herod ruled under Rome.

(Third and Fourth Maccabees are not reliable.)




While the apocalypse books might be found in the scripture chests of the synagogue and were often read at the services, they were never made a part of the Old Testament. They were regarded as inferior to the Apocrypha.

These books were:

  1. The Sibylline Oracles
  2. The Assumption of Moses
  3. Fourth Ezra
  4. The Syriac Baruch
  5. The Greek Baruch
  6. Psalter of Solomon
  7. Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
  8. Book of Jubilees
  9. Ascension of Isaiah
  10. Histories of Adam and Eve
  11. Apocalypse of Abraham
  12. Apocalypse of Elias
  13. Apocalypse of Zephaniah
  14. The Prayer of Joseph
  15. The Enoch books
  16. Lives of the Prophets
  17. Testament of Job
  18. Martyrdom of Isaiah
  19. 3rd and 4th Maccabees
  20. 3rd and 4th Esdras
  21. Story of the Three Youths



The New Testament Canon was adopted in three sessions. Hippos A.D. 393. Carthage 397 and 419.


There are more than one hundred of these fragments—the larger being:

  1. Gospel of the Ebionites
  2. Gospel of the Egyptians
  3. Gospel of Matthias
  4. Gospel of Peter
  5. Gospel of Thomas
  6. Preaching of Peter
  7. The Fayoum Gospel
  8. Sayings of Jesus
  9. Two Gospel Fragments
  10. Coptic Fragments
  11. Agrapha—Gospel sayings found in other works



  1. Birth of Mary
  2. Epiphanius
  3. Memoirs of the Apostles
  4. Orosius
  5. Some Trinity books by apostles and early disciples
  6. Some 50 sundry books


1. PROTEVANGELIUM (Book of James)

Deals with Anna—mother of Mary. Prayer overcomes her barrenness. Her husband was Ivacim. Mary taken to the temple when three years old-was fed by an angel. Widowers brought rods and Joseph’s brought forth a dove—so he became Mary’s husband.

An angel appears to Mary telling her about the son she shall have. She goes to see Elizabeth. Mary was 16 years old. Joseph is troubled over Mary’s pregnancy. Both Joseph and Mary were given “the test water”—floor sweepings. Neither got sick. They go to Bethlehem. Lodge in a cave. He finds a midwife—and Jesus is born. The wise men come and Herod becomes interested. Herod seeks to kill both John and Jesus. The hill parts and hides John and his mother. Zacharias is killed. Herod dies. Used by the Gnostics.


Jesus at five years clears pools of water. On the Sabbath, makes 12 clay sparrows.

Jesus claps his hands and the sparrows fly away. Annas’s son disturbs the pool and Jesus causes him to wither up. A child bumps into Jesus —angers him—and drops dead. The complaining parents are blinded.

First day at school Jesus knows his letters from Alpha to Omega. Teacher asks Joseph to take Jesus away—saying: “I sought a disciple and found a master.”

Jesus curses associates and then heals them. Playing with children on housetop, one falls off and dies. Jesus makes him come alive. Young man cuts foot with axe—Jesus restores foot. Sows grain, and at once reaps one hundred measures.

Father cuts a beam too short. Jesus lengthens it. Another takes him to school—he preaches a sermon. James is gathering twigs—viper bites him. Jesus breathes on wound—James is cured—the viper bursts. Raises dead workman. Story of teaching in the temple at twelve.

Flee with Jesus to Egypt. Ate grain from a field—which perpetually yielded miraculous harvest. Lived one year with a widow. Cast dead fish in water—they became alive. They return to Palestine—Jesus was seven.

Puts many garments in black dye. Pulls out each a different color. Changes children into pigs. Children enter a furnace—come out goats —Jesus changes them back into children.

Jesus slides on a sunbeam. Hangs a pitcher on a sunbeam. Makes a lion bring back a boy. Cures man who swallowed a viper. Seems to be of Gnostic origin.


Repetition of story of Mary’s birth, temple sojourn, marriage, trip to Bethlehem. Birth of Jesus. Dragons worship Jesus. Wild beasts worship him. Trees bow for Mary—a spring comes forth. Go to Egypt. Idols fall down. On way from Jericho plays with lion’s whelps. Raises a dead man at Capernaum.


Little new. Mary born at Nazareth. Lives at the temple. Widows called when she was 14. Joseph takes her home. Jesus is born.


Covers time from birth to return to Nazareth. Miracle follows miracle in rapid succession. Fireproof diapers. Demoniac woman cured in Egypt. Dumb bride cured. Leprous girl cured by Jesus’ bath water. Man changed into a mule and restored. Meets one of the thieves crucified with him. Scores of astonishing miracles at Bethlehem. More miracles at Nazareth. Clay animals walk and fly. Makes a snake suck out the poison of his own bite—the child thus saved was Simon Zelotes.


Repeats story of birth to sojourn in Egypt. Jesus accused of death of child—raises him from the dead—but dies again. Plays tricks on children. Cures leprosy.


An Egyptian book. Lived 111 years. A widower—had four sons and two daughters. Usual story of the virgin birth of Jesus and sojourn in Egypt. Return to Nazareth. Joseph could not die until Jesus left the room. Gabriel put soul in a silk napkin and an angel took it away.


Little different from other narratives.




Found in Egyptian tomb 1884 with some of Book of Enoch. Probable date, A.D. 150.

Is Docetic—doubts reality of Jesus’ sufferings. Anti-Jewish. Whitewashes Pilate.

Fairly orthodox story according to the Gospels with additions concerning the resurrection. Tells story of Jesus going to Hades to deliver the righteous Fathers.

2. ACTS OF PILATE (Gospel of Nicodemus)

Twenty-nine sections. Generally, conforms to the story of the four gospels.

Special features: Roman standards bowed before Jesus as he passed. Did the same when strong Jews held them. Did this every time Jesus passed.

Jews charged that Jesus was illegitimate. Many testified for Jesus-man suffering for 38 years and was healed. A blind man cured.

They locked up Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus let him out. Priest of Galilee saw Jesus’ ascension. Another heard him tell about drinking poison and handling snakes. (Mark 16)

Nicodemus and Joseph convert Annas and Caiaphas.

Judas’s wife roasting rooster tries to keep Judas from suicide by having the cock crow.

Mary Magdalene goes to Rome.

Jesus descends into hell. Plants his cross. Releases Adam and Eve and all the ancient worthies. Takes Satan captive. Takes then all to Paradise.

Pilate goes to Annas—he confesses they crucified the Son of God. Pilate writes a confession to Emperor Claudius.

Appendix. Wise men saw a cross, saying, “This is the Son of God.” Jesus makes a dead cock alive to follow Judas and report on him. The cock reported—and Jesus sent him off on a thousand year’s flight.

Caesar, on hearing of Jesus’ crucifixion, orders Pilate brought to him as a prisoner. Orders him beheaded. Angel shows the head to his wife, Procla. She drops dead. The emperor was sick and sent for Jesus—on learning Pilate had crucified him, ordered Pilate’s death. Tiberius had fever, ulcers, and nine kinds of leprosy. He learned about Jesus from Veronica.

Several of Jesus’ cured patients appear in his behalf. The narrative goes on through the crucifixion and resurrection.

Satan and the Prince of hell have a quarrel about Christ. Satan is expelled. Takes many out of hell, including Adam who then meets Enoch and Elijah.

Pilate summons the Jews and makes them read the Scriptures relating to Christ. They confess they made a mistake in crucifying Jesus. They all repent.


Jesus tells Bartholomew that 30,000 souls leave this world each day. Tells him about going down to Hades. Later, Jesus tells him that only 50 of these souls are righteous. But some of these others may later be saved. Jesus another time told him 12,880 persons die each day. Begs Jesus to show him the Devil. Jesus finally does—a dragon-like monster. The Devil tells him how to deceive men. (Gluttony, adultery, blasphemy, idolatry, suicide, etc.)

Bartholomew looks into the bottomless pit. Learns about different kinds of punishment for sins. Satan said he had 600 Demon assistants. Discussion about the sin against the Holy Ghost.

Satan said God cast him out of Paradise because he would not worship Adam—made in the image of God.Saturday, Death and Six assistants came up from hell and talked with Jesus—he vanquished them, got up, went down to hell, and smashed things up in general. Bound Satan.

Adam and Eve stationed at the gate of Paradise to welcome arriving saints.

Thomas goes home because his son died. Raised him from the dead in Jesus’ name.


Jesus did not take human nature, but rather angelic nature. The Mosaic laws are works of the Devil.

Deluded one third of angels by having them write fifty talents owed God in the place of one hundred.

Fallen angels enter into women and debauch mankind.

A story of Christ’s second coming somewhat after Paul’s teaching.

The pit of Hades is so deep that a stone cast in would take three years to reach the bottom.


Evodius; associate of Andrew and Peter and seventy-second disciple, says he saw all of this: Jesus returned with a chariot of cherubim and Mary’s soul leaped to his bosom. Then Mary dies and her body is hidden. It is not corrupted. Jesus returns and takes the body to Paradise. David comes with Jesus. Mary lived in Jerusalem with a group of virgins. There were 206 days from her death to the assumption. The voice of the Trinity welcomed Mary to Paradise. Jesus brought back Mary’s soul to embrace the resurrected body.

High priest’s hand cut off. He confesses guilt of the crucifixion, embraces Mary’s body, and his hand grows back on his arm.

Mary went daily to pray at Jesus’ sepulchre, but no one could see her. Gabriel would visit with her. Many apostles resurrected to salute Mary at the assumption—Peter was their spokesman. Thomas came from India. Every sick person who touched the wall of Mary’s sepulchre was healed. Mary and the apostles are transported by air to Jerusalem-from Bethlehem to escape the priests who wanted to burn Mary’s body when she died. As the apostles carry Mary on her bed, a Jew sits on the bed. His arms are cut off by an angelic sword and dangle in the air over the bed.

When Mary was in danger at Bethlehem John was preaching at Ephesus and was transported by air to Mary’s assistance. Mary’s dead body shone with a dazzling brightness. A bright cloud hovered over the funeral procession. Angels were singing in the cloud.

The man who talked with Peter the night of the denial touches the bier, his hands wither. He confirms belief, and upon kissing the bier, he is healed. He takes a palm from John, goes to Jerusalem, and cures all the blind.

After Mary’s assumption, the apostles are transported by air to their homes.

Thomas was late in arriving—he passed Mary in the air—she tossed him her girdle—he showed it to the apostles.




Much preaching and many prayers.

Ruler makes John drink poison—no harm. It kills a criminal. John raised the criminal from the dead. Nevertheless, he was banished to Patmos.

At Ephesus, the altar of Artemis is split and the priest drope dead. Raises a young man from the dead.

The would-be traducer of a married woman seeks to desecrate her dead body. He drops dead. The servant who let him into the tomb also dies. John raises the woman from death. She in time forgives and raises the two men. They are converted.

At a deserted inn John is attacked by bedbugs. He orders them to desist—they do. They assemble at the door until morning. As John leaves, they rush upon the bed and disappear into the joints.

All who touched his garments were healed.

In the midst of a passionate funeral sermon the dead man arose.

Two rich men give their all for two jewels. Broke them in public. John restores them—for benefit of the poor. John turns pebbles into a vast horde of jewels. Raises another young man from the dead.

Priest of the idols challenges John to drink poison which has killed two condemned criminals. John drinks it and is not harmed. Still the priest doubts—demands John restore life to the two dead criminals. John does—the priest believes.

John’s coat raises a dead man. John finally goes to heaven bodily-the assumption of John.


Tertullian says the author of this book was convicted of imposture and deposed. He was a presbyter in Asia. (About A.D. 160) Paul raises a young man (Barnabas) from the dead. Paul creates a commotion by preaching against marriage.

Thecla, a maiden, hears Paul. Renounces her betrothal. Paul is arrested—banished. Thecla is to be burned. Rain and hail put out the fire—she is saved. Later, she was fed to the beasts—they refused to harm her. She cast herself into a pool—the seals floated on top—dead.

Paul strikes the abdomen of a man with dropsy—it opens and water gushes out. The man drops dead, and Paul raises him from the dead. Half of Apollo’s temple falls at Paul’s petition. Heals woman possessed of a devil. Raises young woman from the dead who was thrown over a cliff.

When beasts are turned loose upon Paul lion licks his feet. Angels loose Paul from iron fetters—goes to beach to baptize believers.

Nero’s cupbearer listening to Paul falls out of window—dies. Paul restores him. Paul appears to Nero after he was beheaded.


Heals all manner of diseases. His daughter is healed and then reverts to her old affliction.

By Peter’s prayer his daughter is palsied and the gardener’s daughter dies. Later, Peter resurrects her. An adultress, coming to communion, is rebuked and stricken dumb. Peter casts demon out of young man. Caesar’s statue crashes in pieces. Peter orders it sprinkled with holy water—and it is fully restored. Peter causes a dog to speak. The dog dies at Peter’s feet. Causes dead fish to come alive in his bath water. Seven-month child rebukes a sinner—and strikes him dumb.

Peter heals a blind widow. Simon, the magician, kills a lad—Peter raises him from the dead. Raises several from the dead. Heals many on a Sabbath day. Simon tries to fly—falls and breaks his leg in three places—later he comes to his end.

Peter gets into serious trouble because he advised wives to abstain from sex relations with their husbands.

Agrippa orders Peter crucified. Being crucified with head down was Peter’s request.


Andrew heals a blind man. Raises an Egyptian boy from the dead. A mother sought sex relations with her son. The young man sought help from Andrew. The mother falsely accuses her son. The boy, with Andrew, is imprisoned. An earthquake releases them andinjures many—Andrew heals them all. Many are baptized. Casts out a devil. Raises a man killed by seven dogs. Stills a raging storm.

Makes the “sign of the cross” and routs a troop of armed men. Puts out a fire with holy water. Blinds his enemies and then restores their sight. A “possessed” lad hangs himself, and Andrew restores him. Man afflicted 22 years with “sores” is healed. Resurrects a dead soldier.

Andrew thrown to the beasts, but they refused to touch him—turned and devoured their keepers. Serpent kills a boy—Andrew restores him and the serpent dies.

A proconsul is healed and baptized. He raises up 38 dead sailors from a shipwreck. Causes an illegitimate child to be born dead. Healed all the sick in several cities. Healed one sick with “ulcers and worms.” Cured an epileptic—one who “foamed at the mouth.”

Was crucified, but preached three days hanging on the cross.


Agent of a king comes from India to hire a carpenter to build a palace for the monarch. He engages Thomas. A cupbearer who buffets Thomas is killed by a lion. A dog brings in his hand. Thomas restores the man.

The king gives Thomas much money to build the palace. Thomas gives away the money to the poor. When the king comes, he finds no palace. He is wroth and orders Thomas arrested.

The king’s brother dies, goes to Paradise, and comes back to tell the king of the wonderful palace which Thomas had builded for the king

The king’s brother is returned to this life—Thomas is released from prison. This is a long and wordy recital in the Acts of Thomas.

There is a long story of a dragon who was jealous of a maiden and whom Thomas caused to swell up and burst.

A colt—descendant of the olden Balaam—utters praises for Thomas. Several are raised from the dead and devils are cast out of many. Many sick are healed by washing in a stream which Thomas had blessed.

Heals and makes beautiful an ugly-duckling daughter.

A herd of wild asses preach the gospel, and one of them casts out devils.

Thomas finally cast into prison because the wife of the ruler had stopped sex relations with him. He blamed the teachings of Thomas. In this connection—and while in prison—Thomas utters the famous “Psalm of the Soul”—one of the most worthy, from a literary standpoint, of all of this document. Then Thomas is released and goes free. After much preaching and many converts he is again imprisoned and executed.

Later, when the king’s child as afflicted, he sends for one of Thomas’s bones. Fails to find the body, but brings some dust from the tomb, and his child is cured.


Matthias went to preach in a land of cannibals who put out the eyes of their victim and gave them poison. The poison did not affect Matthias, and his eyes were restored. Andrew is sent to deliver him. They came in a boat. Two angels rowed. Jesus steered the boat. Andrew rested.

They put a rope around Andrew and dragged him in the streets. Then cast him into prison. He makes the sign of the cross and is healed. Bitter water flows from a statue.


Andrew is carried from the city of the maneaters to a mountain to meet Peter. They sow seed and it immediately springs up as ripened grain. Jesus appears as a 12-year-old boy and makes a camel go through the eye of a needle. One thousand souls were baptized. Andrew goes fishing. Catches 12,000 fish. They even follow him on dry land.




Abgarus, a minor Roman official, writes Jesus a letter of congratulation on his many cures of sick folks, and asks him to come and heal his affliction. Jesus replies that he will send one of his disciples.


Contains a detailed description of Jesus’ portrait.


Purported to be written by Paul. It is a very mediocre production compared to Paul’s other writings.


Seneca, at Caesar’s court, exchanges some 14 letters with Paul. Nothing noteworthy is found in these communications.


This is the major work of the Epistles. It is a lengthy but commonplace review of many events in Jesus’ life. There is an answer to a question as to when he would be coming back after he returned to his Father. The answer appears to say that he would return after 150 years.




Begins with a discussion of illegitimate children—how they are put in the hands of “caretaker angels.”

Peter asks Jesus to show him someone who had departed this world. He was shown a man whose face shone like the sun. His body was whiter than snow—altogether, he looked like a rainbow.

Then Peter was shown Hell. Men hanging by their tongues. Women hanging by their hair. Others hanging by their feet—all being tortured by fire. Moneylenders for usury were in a lake of molten fire. There was a special pit of fire for homosexuals.

In the resurrection, beasts and fowls were required to restore all that they had eaten—that the very identical particles should become part of the resurrected bodies of the saints. The bones, flesh, skin must be the same as before death.

When Jesus returns on a cloud of angels the sea becomes fire. Some wicked are devoured by worms. Special punishment is given women


This purports to be what Paul saw when he was transported to the third heaven—see Cor. 12:2. It is apparent that Dante got much of the material for his Inferno from this document.

This story ranges far and wide.

This book was found when digging for a house foundation in Tarsus. Was taken to the Emperor at Rome who opened the box.

There is an interesting account of the work of the recording angels. There seems to be two kinds of angels—good and bad. This revelation teaches the resurrection of the identical body of death—contrary to teaching in the New Testament letters.

He sees in Paradise the names of the saints in golden letters on the walls of the city. He saw rivers of milk and honey and the tree of life with 12 fruits. Date trees with clusters of 10,000. Grapes with 10,000 on a bunch. Paul learns that the root of all evil is pride.

He is taken to a special city—the city of Christ, where he sees rivers of milk, honey, oil, wine, etc. There was a river of fire and another neither hot nor cold for lukewarm and indifferent mortals. There was a deep pit for some offenders—it required five hundred years to reach the bottom.

The hardhearted were put naked in a region of ice and snow, with worms to gnaw their flesh. Paul visits with Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—also Job, Enoch, and John the Baptist.


Much about the last judgments on earth—rain of blood, etc. Depicts the end of the world, but contains little not found in other writing attributed to Thomas.


The story of Saul seeing Stephen stoned to death. Gamaliel rebukes Saul.




“Peter—1. I believe in God the Father Almighty;

“John—2. Maker of heaven and earth;

“James—3. And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;

“Andrew—4. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary;

“Philip—5. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried;

“Thomas—6. He descended into hell, and the third day he arose again from the dead;

“Bartholomew—7. He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;

“Matthew—8. From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead;

“James, the son of Alpheus—9. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church;

“Simon Zelotes—10. The communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins;

“Jude, the brother of James—11. The resurrection of the body;

“Matthias—12. Life everlasting. Amen.”


This is one of the best of all the Apocrypha—almost worthy of a place in the New Testament Canon. One of the few apocryphal books without miracles.

Denounces sacrifices and burnt offerings. Quotes much from the Old Testament, Daniel, Isaiah, and others. Refers to many prophecies concerning Christ. Discusses the spiritual aspects of circumcision, etc. Treats the spiritual meaning of clean and unclean beasts, and claims that baptism and the cross were foretold in prophecy. Claims that God’s promises refer to the gentiles as well as to the Jews.

Discusses the spiritual aspects of Sabbath keeping, and portrays the real meaning of the temple and its services.

Teaches the “way of life”—the things a Christian must be and do in order to be happy.

In Chapter 14, Verse 11, he seems to offer objections to birth control, as well as to abortion and infanticide. And then he portrays the “way of darkness”—the path to destruction.


a. To the Ephesians

Exhorts to loyalty to the bishop. Warns against heretics and false teachers. Admonishes to remember prayer and charity. Love the Gospel. The virginity of Mary and the Incarnation. Exhorts to unity.

b. To the Magnesians

Exhortations and platitudes. Wants them to live orderly and in unity. Cautions against false opinions. Commends faith and piety. Exhorts to perseverance.

c. To the Trallians

Commends them for their subjection to their spiritual leaders. Warns against heretics. Exhorts to humility and unity. The true doctrine of Christ.

d. To the Romans

About the sufferings of Christ. The honor of martyrdom. General exhortations.

e. To the Philadelphians

Praises their bishop. Warns against divisions. Be united—avoid judging. Glad to hear persecutions at Antioch had stopped.

f. To the Smyrneans

Warns against belittling the sufferings of Christ and the new doctrines of heretics. Thanks them for their kindness.

g. To Polycarp

Tells him how to improve his faith. How to help others. Urges him to write to the churches.



Commends them for their faith. Exhorts to faith, hope, and charity. Urges them to perform social and other Christian duties. Exercise faith. Grow in grace. Exhorts against covetousness.


(Found in three books)

a. First Book of Hermas

Warning against proud and filthy thoughts. On neglecting to chastise children and correct his talkative wife. The glory of the Church Triumphant. How to get rid of reprobates. The vision of trials and tribulations.

b. Second Book of Hermas

Believing in one God. Against lying—be simple. Putting away the wife for adultery. Dealing with a sad heart—patience. How every man has two angels. Fear God—not the Devil. Flee from evil and do good. Ask God for daily help—avoid doubting.

Grieve not the spirit of God that lives in us. Even prophets must be tried by their spirits. God’s commands are not impossible.

c. Third Book of Hermas

Look for the abiding city to come. The rich are helped by the prayers of the poor. Difficult to tell the righteous from the wicked in this world. Fruits of true believers. Reward of clean living. Two sorts of voluptuous men—and their death. The fruits of repentance. Many kinds of the elect and their rewards. Mysteries of the triumphant church.



  1. The Gospel According to the Hebrews.
  2. Gospel of the Egyptians.
  3. Arabic Gospel of Jesus’ Childhood.
  4. Gospel of Philip.
  5. History of Joseph the Carpenter.


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